271 # 256 The identity of the mastermind.txt (1/2)

Elysion Online とんし 16940K 2022-07-24

When I logged into the game, Sephone begged me for food, and when I served it, I ate it up with Lily and the others who naturally joined in.

I'm not going to say anything.

I'm very happy with it... oops, I thought humans were supposed to say thank you for the food.

'Oh, poorly done. You really know your stuff.

Of course! And who knows Freetia better than a mistress?

When I heard the story, apparently the shadow summons had been peeking at the ground every so often. That's when I realized something important.

'Do you know most of what happened to Freetia?

'Mmm! What's that? Whatever you want to know, I'll answer it, okay?

”Do you know the demon that attacked Princess Gylfi Fretia?

If you know everything, that's quite possible.

I didn't see the scene of the crime, but I did see who slipped through the wards and broke into Princess Gylfi's room. I'm almost certain he's the one who fell ill that day.

I didn't see the crime scene, but I'm pretty sure it was him.

Can you give us a description of the shooter? If I could, I'd like to know your name.

Now, what kind of big hits do we get?

I don't know her name, but she had a nice body, didn't she?

Yeah. That's not enough to hit all the Dream Demon species. But Sephora gave me another clue.

”And later, the wing of an insect.

The first thing that comes to mind with the bug demon is the Lord of the Flies demon... give me a break... but it doesn't feel right. We'll just have to find out for sure.

That's why I headed to Freetia Castle and asked permission to meet with the demon Ose, who is being held captive.

'You are the summoner who defeated Zepal?

Hate to say it, but you've got the wrong guy. I don't know any adventurers who killed him.

Hm. If he's the one who attacked Gylfi's guy, I'm not going to tell you.

Then I know who did it. Someone saw what you guys were doing. The culprit was Beelzebub.

When I say this, Ose starts laughing.