187 # 176 Ainu dwarf and monkey falling into hell.txt (1/2)
When you also recognize Libina's abilities, you summon a new one.
I set the wooden magic stone and summon the magic stone.
The magic circle glows green, success!
But the magic circle disappears. Huh? A failure?
No, there's a leaf of a butterbur in the center of the magic circle. No, if you look closely, a person is there. It's a girl in a frog coat.
Oh, he talks. He can talk. I go near him, and he disappears. Huh? Where's he gone?
Hmm? From below? There they are. Wait a minute. I didn't notice you at all... and then this mysterious entity disappears again. But I caught sight of it in my vision.
I thought it was a skill or something, but it wasn't the case at all. This girl is genuinely fast.
''It's a coropocle. It's a tree fairy species.''
I look at Setia without a second thought. Seriously? So, if she's a tree fairy species, does that make her a dryad?
I'm sorry...Luke.
I crouch down and put out my hand, and Koropokkul stops abruptly and salutes me as he jumps on my hand at breakneck speed. He looks pleased when I salute him, too.
I don't understand the jar.
He points to himself. Am I supposed to name it? Well... I'd like to name it something herbaceous, but mint and marie seem a little too conventional... then I'll just cut it out.
How about ”Meal”?
Colopocle bounces around. He likes it. Good. Now, let's check the status.
Name: Meir, Koropokkul Lv 1.
Vitality 15
Magical power 15
Strength 5
Defensive Force 5
Agility 15
Dexterity value 15
Soil Lurking Lv 1 Fishing Lv 1 Shunsuke Lv 1 Earth Magic Lv 1 Wood Magic Lv 1
That brings the number of summoned beasts I can summon to 5. It's finally getting low. That's where the info comes in.
I've signed contracts with 3 different fairy species, excluding synthetic summons. I've acquired the title 'Fairy Summoner'.
It's a fairy version of Drago Newt. Let's see.
The title ”Fairy Summoner”.
Effect: Increases the ability of the fairy species with which you made a contract (medium).
A title that can be acquired by making a contract with three different fairy species, excluding synthetic summonses.
I'm guessing it's Setia, Iyuki and Mir. At this rate, there's something else that's similar. Come to think of it, Luke had a title with a fairy species, so it's probably this one. Even goblins are fairies, and if you evolve a goblin into a different kind, it could be three different kinds.
Of course, it could be another title, though.
Once again, when I looked at Mir's skills, I found a fishing skill. This girl who can fish?
Meir is excited when I take out my own fishing rod. And he clings to it. Apparently he wants it. But it's probably not going to happen.
I give it to him, but as I expected, he can't hold it. Meir puts his hands on the ground.
”Ah...I'll make you a fishing rod for you, don't worry.
When I say that, Meir runs around with energy. She's a spirited girl.
'She's a lovely girl. She's very different from someone else.'
What? Does that mean me? I think it's cute, too. Right? Tact.
Don't get attached to me because I'm pretty.
Again~. You're so happy to see me~
Ggh... this guy is really out of control.
Eventually, Aeon will have to take it off me. Good grief.
We got a new friend to join, so let's see what we can do about... those monkeys.
”Hmm? Is something bothering you?
Yeah. I'm having trouble dealing with the monkeys and muscle gorillas.
Hey. I think they'll be fine with me, all right?
”No monster with a libido can defeat me. You know what this means, don't you?
Yeah, I was sick of it.
”Are there no meth among the monkeys?
A female monkey would be identified by a different name.
Same with Gobrina... or was it just Monkey and Muscle Gorilla in the library... King Kong would be a man if he was King... this event, you got it.
I sent an email to all of them and while they were responding, Setia was making them fishing poles for the meal.
'It's ready. How do you like it?
I know you're happy, but don't swing a fishing rod in the store.
In the end, only Mel and his friends and Luke's group responded, and Lewin-san and his friends were no good at all. It's time to attack the fort. Sorry, but we don't have time. Monkey and the others decided to break through on our own.
There's no strategy or anything, but when I introduce Livina to Luke and the others, the men are wiped out. I got blamed by Mel and the others. Hell...I should have done nothing wrong.
That happened, but when I explained Livina's abilities to them, they were all convinced of their victory. We all know how dirty the muscle gorilla is.
The members were Ix, Livina, Mir, Toratetsu and Hiyori. There were no attacks by the goblins as we all moved in together. Apparently, once we get through, we'll be fine.
Then Ix tells us that we have arrived at the place in question.
'Master, we've arrived at our destination. If we continue on from here, I'm sure Monkey will detect us.
Thanks for the directions. Thanks, Ix. Livina, take care of her.
'Yes! I'll take care of it.
I'm a little worried.
Be careful, okay?
What? Are you worried about me? It's okay. Takuto's a worrier~
I'm sorry... I'm sorry for worrying!
They all say. That's too bad! I've already got a title for it!
'Haha! Well, just watch what I do.
As Livina proceeded, the monkeys in the tree made a lot of noise. But the noisy Monkeys saw Livina.
The monkeys all fall out of the tree.
No, no,” said the monkeys, ”don't look at me. If you look at me, you'll be in hell. You'll go to hell!
The Monkeys can't move, and the more they look at it, the more life and magic it loses. The monkeys reached out their hands desperately, but Livina just smiled and looked at them. And then the monkeys run out of power.
But as they shouted, a crowd of muscle gorillas comes.
The muscle gorillas are so excited that they gather at Livina. But the Muscle Gorillas fall over before they can touch Livina.
'Haha! Nice muscle gorilla! There's nothing like being stripped of your s*x drive!
The muscle gorillas stand up in fascination. They flock to Livina, losing their life force and magic. Is it bad?
But Livina looks at me with a smile. If she decides it's okay, I'll leave it to her.
'Do you want to mess me up that badly? No, you can't. I'm the one who's going to mess it up.