102 # 97 Duel in the city with the 3rd Princess.txt (1/2)

Elysion Online とんし 28460K 2022-07-24

I return to Freetia in return and report back to Lise as soon as possible.

'Oh!' You've got it in spades! I want you to make me some honey juice as soon as possible, but before you do, there is someone I want you to meet. I will take you to your house and I will be waiting for you. Do not go away for any length of time.

With that being said, we waited for a few minutes in an honest manner. Liese and a lot of other people came. Hey, what's going on?

I'm sorry. That's Takht. We have a lot to discuss.

Wait a minute. You don't think these people are all after honey juice? There's a lot of people who look like knights. When I was surprised, a girl in a dress came forward from among the knights.

''It's my first time to meet you. I'm Henri. I'm Henri Fretia. I'm the third princess of this country.

Oh... the princess is here... or is she the third princess? I heard from Aura and the others about the first princess being sick, but I didn't know the princess was up to the third.

But there's nothing in this house... are you okay?

'No need to worry about it. Are you the creator of that honey juice?

'Yes. I've made some honey juice, in case you missed it, the Summoner's Tact.

I introduce myself. And one of the knights says to me.

”Hey. Isn't it true? We won't tolerate a lie, will we?

Huh? Is he trying to pick a fight with you?

''You...it was a Wawa who introduced me to Tact. Do you doubt the word of the Wawa?

No, no. It's just that we live so far from home...

I'm sorry. I've lived in a lot of places. But there are others who agree with me. Some even laugh at my shop.

It's not exactly my shop, but it's annoying when people laugh at our base.

Even Liese and Princess Henri look disgusted at those knights. Sensing this, the butler-san suggests.

''Hoho. If you're going to insult this store to that extent, may I assume that you're ready to fight the manager?

'Ha! It's fine. But would you be a partner?

The first knight who came at me agrees to a duel. Lise and the butler laugh when they hear that. Ah...this one says to beat them up.

'We won't know that until we fight. Will Takt-dono please fight?

When the steward said that, the info was played.

''A special quest 'Duel with the Freetia Guarding Knight' has occurred.''

Special Quest ”Duel with a Freetia Escort Knight

No compensation

The knights guarding the third princess of Freetia must be defeated in a duel.

Quests. No reward. So, I don't know what to do.

Are you sure?

It's all right. I'll give you as much moxibustion as you want.

A knight in shining armor made such a statement. This is a good opportunity for them to see the pain and learn about their own inexperience. You are free to fight to your heart's content.

”Huh. Is Princess Henri approved?

'Yes. To be honest, these men followed on their own as an escort. So, that manner of speaking...I'm sorry, but I'm asking for a duel.

If that's what you say, even Princess Henri, then it's no use if you're going to allow a duel.

I understand. I accept the duel.

Lily and the others get excited about my answer.

'Tact! Beat the crap out of me!

'Punish the people who laughed at our store!

I believe Master Tact will win.

Brother Tact... keep up the good work.

I guess I'm a simpleton who's more motivated by these kids telling me that.

'I'm having my sword fixed, can I use my bare hands?'

Hm. Do you know what you're doing?

I'm bare-knuckled enough.

”...don't regret it.

We went out into the street to have a duel. And the duel begins.