18 # 17 First evolution and sister-in-law.txt (1/2)

Elysion Online とんし 35010K 2022-07-24

Let's take a look at where Grey has evolved to as soon as possible. Apparently there are four of them. There are descriptions for each of them, so let's take a look at them.

Red Wolf.

A red-haired wolf that lives in warm regions. Its main method of attack is biting. It is capable of bite attacks with the fire attribute added. It has higher muscular strength than other wolves, but its defense and agility are lower.

Oh! I'd love to see the fire bite. But your attack power goes up and your defense and speed goes down ....... It's a double-edged sword. ...... Holy shit. Let's see what's next.

White Wolf.

A white-furred wolf that lives in cold regions. Its main method of attack is biting. It can perform bite attacks with the water attribute added. It has higher defense than other wolves, but has lower muscle strength.

It doesn't have the water attribute, which is attractive. But the problem is that its defense goes up and its attack power goes down. This makes me think of him as a wallflower, but he's a ...... wolf. It's not going to raise your defenses that much. So, what's next?

black wolf

A nocturnal wolf. Its only means of attack is biting. However, compared to other wolves, it has unparalleled strength at night. Its status is slightly inferior to that of a gray wolf.

It doesn't have attribute attacks, but it's a night-specific wolf or ...... probably learns the same surprise and covert skills as an owl, the same as an owl. Now, the next one is the last. It's the real deal. Because that's where the grey name comes from.

Grey Wolf.

A wolf that lives in the plains. Its means of attack is biting. Can bite by hardening its fangs. The most orthodox wolf.

The safest seems to be the Gray Wolf. It's the origin of its name, so if you're still in the beginning stages of the game, you can go with the orthodox one. That's why I made him evolve into Gray Wolf.

Grey's body glows gray and evolves. When the light subsided, there was a slightly larger Grey's figure.

''Grey has evolved into a grey wolf.''

Infos that the evolution is complete will also flow. Now, let's check the status immediately.

Name Grey Wolf Lv 8 to Grey Wolf Lv 1

Life force 20 to 25.

Magic power 2 -> 10

Strength 24 to 30.

Defensive strength 12 to 16.

Agility 24 to 30

Dexterity value 12 to 18.


Bite Lv 5, Signals Lv 5, Night Eyes Lv 4, Danger Sense Lv 1, Hardened Fangs Lv 1.

Yeah. You're getting stronger! The new skills are Danger Sense and Hardened Fangs. The hardening fangs would be like a martial art, as it was described earlier.

What's the danger detection? There must be a reason for this, seeing as they are separated from presence detection. Simply put, is awareness a monster and danger detection a skill for detecting traps, etc.? If so, thank goodness. Knowing the piranha traps beforehand helps a lot, because it helps a lot.

That's the end of the evolution. I was going to continue the hunt, but it looks like my time is up here. Back in town, we had dinner at the inn. According to Motch-san, Toratetsu and Konoha can stay in the same room. We go to our room and log out in bed.

For some reason, I ended up sleeping with Lily, Grey, Toratetsu and Konoha, and the bed was a mess, but warm.

I logged out of the game and woke up in my real life bed. I checked the time and it was just before twenty-three ...... close. I seem to be more addicted to the game than I expected. I hurriedly get my computer up and ready to video chat.

This is one of the things my sisters-in-law made me promise to do when I collapsed from working too many part-time jobs. We'll have a video chat at twenty-three o'clock on our days off, not every day. Apparently, this way they can see at a glance if I'm not working. I don't trust it.

The other party seemed to be there first, so the familiar faces of the three sisters appeared on the computer as I started video chatting.

'Brother, it's finally here~'

My brother ...... is slow.

My twin sister-in-law and sister-in-law, Riko, calls me brother and me. The one who calls me brother is my sister Miki. She is my pride and joy, a beautiful girl!

Sorry, my brother is an idiot. And it's true that he's a stepbrother ...... but he's cute.

Rikoi has straight long hair and her personality has become twee and sassy lately.

I'm sure you'll be able to find out more about this in the future. She often spoils me, so I don't get the impression she's too quiet.

And the third and final person is our sister.

''Yes, yes. The two of you don't blame Sei-kun. I'm on time, you know.

For me, it's my sister-in-law, Kayo, Riko and Miki's real sister. I call her Kayo sister (Kayonee).

'Kayo-nee-chan has a soft spot for her brother!

My sister ...... sweet.

Is that right?