85 [76] Adversary.txt (1/2)

The time goes back a bit, and shortly before Virum and the others boarded the Rastabel, a pair of men and women were in a hut located a short distance from the castle town.

The man is standing in the dark, so it's hard to tell, but the woman is the immensely beautiful woman who is dressed in a flamboyant outfit that is disproportionate to this dingy hut.......Rosalia.

''Huh... I didn't expect our army to be annihilated. How strong are spirit beasts?

That's what we expected. This mission was mainly about testing a prototype. It would be good if we could capture a spirit animal in the process. Didn't I explain to you beforehand that we'd be able to capture the spirit animal in the process?

That said, I was enjoying being pampered by being an empress~

Do you want to stay in the country then? They're definitely coming for revenge, aren't they?

From the content of the conversation, it seems that Rosalia is going to throw away her Rastafarian bells and run away.

I'm not sure if the man is the guide for that.

I'm sure you'll be able to find out more. It's a very good idea to have a good idea of what to expect when you're in a position to do it. It's too late, Larsen.

I'm sorry to hear it. But you wouldn't want to leave your old research on the table, would you?

The one who appeared from the entrance was Larsen, who should have been iced in the battle with Shazar.

However, his body was intact and unblemished from the long march.

And most importantly, even if he had miraculously escaped from that situation, it should have taken more than ten days for him to reach Rastabel.

'And then? Were you able to recover the Material Doll?

'No, I couldn't. I was put on ice, you know. At the very least, if I had fought that spirit beast, I would have burned every piece of it to the ground...

It's not like it was a prototype, so why worry about it?

That's not the point. Totally.... Rosalie, you have a sense of urgency...

I can't hear you~. I don't want to hear it~. I don't even want to hear it~.