33 [27] Recommended by Nanatella.txt (2/2)

That attitude of prioritizing the connection with Virum and his friends (what is profitable) over one's own emotions is the sum total of the Merchant's Guild.

It's a good idea to have a set of clothes for Meldina and Kounaria to mend. The bandits' return blood has ruined the clothes I was wearing, so it's a gift from me.

Let me know if you need help! I'll put our merchant spirit to work to make the most of the two of you, but I'll also be able to mend your clothes to make them strong, easy to move, and perform well!

Hey, Ville, are you sure you want to do this?

'Oh, Master, I got some money, and I can buy it myself, right?

They stared at Vilm with reserve, but there was a flicker of joyful emotion behind their eyes.

''Oh come on, Miss Meldina, but the Lady of Coonaria is the vanguard, right? Wouldn't armor be better for you?

Nanaterra glares at Assem's side-stepping, ”Don't say anything unnecessary.

'I was thinking that armor would be fine for Kounaria, but she seems to have a big change in her body shape right now. As it stands, I'm not quite ready to build up my body, and once I'm a little more stable, I'll have to stop by Assem's shop.

'Master, I hate it when you talk like that, it makes me sound fat...'

In fact, after that day of assaulting Virum's room naked, Coonaria's breasts are getting bigger every day.

It's probably a characteristic of the cattle race, but Kounaria herself seems to have mixed feelings about it, as she wants her height to grow.

It's a good idea to be able to have a good time with them. Meldina-san seems to be mainly involved in magical combat, so how about a robe or cloak?

'Oh, I'd like a cloak then. Do you have an item strong enough to shake off a bow or a thrown object?

In that case, there's a great item that I got the other day. It's a cloak made of demon thread called Rage Spider, but it's so strong that it won't even get a scratch on an iron weapon.

It seems that Nanatera already has an idea of the clothes she would like to give to them, and she is explaining the appeal of the items.

It seems that the same material is used for Kounaria's clothes, and they are listening intently to Nana-tera's suggestion that they are first-class in appearance.

The two of them seem to be on board, so let's buy the one that Nanaterra recommends. How much do you want to pay for it?

The materials are good, so Coonaria's clothes will cost 20 gold coins and Meldina's cloak will cost 16 gold coins. However, Virum and the others were inconvenienced by the trouble they caused us, and they were very helpful. Twenty gold coins for just the two of us, that's a lot!

Sixteen gold coins is too much to lose. Well, I'll be grateful for the six pieces of gold. How about 30 gold coins?

Nanaterra didn't expect to be haggled over in a price negotiation or vice versa.

She had a stunned expression on her face, but gradually began to laugh happily.

'Hahahaha! I've been in the business a long time, but I've never seen anyone like Wilm! I'll sell it to you for that price. The inn was at Hiryu no Tomariki, wasn't it? He said he'd arrange to have it delivered today. I'm looking forward to it.

After bowing to Virum once again, Nanaterra refused to say a few words to Shazal and the others and left the room to prepare the goods.

After that, Vilm and the others decided to return to the Dragon's Tree, where they finished chatting.

When Virum and the others returned, Nanatera had already brought the goods, to the surprise of Meldina and Kounaria, who were surprised by the quick response.

I'm sure the name of the businessman will go out of style if you don't return the favor. So, Meldina and Coonaria, here is what you ordered.

The clothes and cloak that came out of the package that was handed to me, even to a layman's eye, I could tell that they were tastefully designed.

''Wow, I like this cloak! Thank you, Ville!

Huh~.... Is it okay to receive such a nice dress? Thank you, Master!

They seemed to like what Nanaterra had chosen and went back to their room to try on the clothes.

I'm glad to hear that you like it. You know, we'll go back to the store. I'm looking forward to your visit again, Virum.

Yeah, I'm gonna have to come by this time.

Virum hands Nanaterra a small bag of gold coins and sees her off.

Afterwards, I asked for a drink in the esophagus for a break, and as I was having a smoke, they came down to see if I had coordinated with them to my satisfaction.

''This cloak has a terrific feel to it. 'What do you think, Ville? Does it look good on you?

I've never worn such a pretty dress before. Isn't it funny? Master.

They ask Wyrm for his opinion.

'Isn't it good? Meldina's cloak doesn't inhibit her movement and is a good length to shake off projectiles. Coonaria's clothes are easy to grab, but if that happens, we'll just move to melee combat and we won't have a problem.

Their expressions were soft, even as they laughed at Vilm's off-base opinion of fashion, though they both laughed at his lack of interest in fashion.