Welcome to the store. Is this item?

This is a magic tool that glows when you press this button. It's handy to have it attached to your clothes and equipment in dungeons and such.

Huh? Me? My name is Colt, I'll be working here for the next month.

I'll have the owner in the back working on the tools.

Right. Well, I guess that will help us stock up a bit.

Is that the master's brother?

Yeah, I've been working here since yesterday.

Now, we were hiding in the shadows, watching his famous millionaire.

”What about the Fermor Trading Company?

Hmm? I'll leave that to that guy in a month.

''I see. ...... And even so, you're still considered to be the best merchant in the Empire. Your customer service is very good.

Today, yes. That guy was really useless yesterday, though.

Is that so?

It's unexpected. I can't imagine what it was like.

Yeah, it was like he hadn't been served in forever. But towards the end, I started to get that feeling back.

Wow, that sounds like a lot of fun.

'Oh! Do you think so? Sounds like fun, right?

SIDE: Colt.

When was the last time I worked like this: .......

I remember when I was a kid, helping my parents with the customer service - I remember that time when I was a kid .

It was fun to work.

I'm not as skilled a craftsman as my older brother, but I never felt like I could lose to anyone when it came to customer service.

At that time, I didn't care about following in the footsteps of my brother. .......

So when my brother had a fight with my dad and left home, I didn't know what to do.

I didn't have the confidence to run the store, and I thought I was going to serve customers for the rest of my life.

But I decided to take over, so I did my best.

I didn't want to ruin this shop because of me.

Also, I wanted to make this shop bigger anyway.

I worked for dozens of years just for that reason.

And then I suddenly realized.

Isn't this shop going to stay open even if I'm playing around?

Because I have no enemies in this country, remember?

Yeah, it's a trap.

For a long time now, my only entertainment has been drinking.

Now I could drink all day.

Once the idea came to me, I'd spend my money on a collection of the finest liquors in the world.

Work didn't matter anymore.

So when it was reported that my business was starting to go down, I was really upset.

At that time I had no ability to do business, and I didn't know what to do or how to do it when I was just a drunkard.

So I blamed my subordinates and tried to escape the reality.

Now that I think about it, I've been giving some really strange orders: .......

And working in my brother's shop made me realize once again how stupid I really was.

My brother was trying to keep it that way, even though he was making enough money to grow the store right away.

Yesterday, I asked him why he didn't make it bigger. You'd make more money that way! I said.

”This place is a memory of my dead wife, ....... So I'm never gonna do the remodel. Besides, I'm too good for the situation at hand. I can't afford to make any more money.

And when he said that, I felt something .

Okay, ...... I was wrong about this .

Making the store big is just a way to make money.

And it wasn't just about making the store big.

I only wanted to grow the store.

So when I built stores all over the empire and became the richest man in the country, in the world, and I knew it wasn't going to get any bigger, my motivation was gone.

And after yesterday and today, I realized.

I'm not cut out to be a millionaire.

I was better off working my ass off.

Thank you, brother.

Well, my work is done for the day.

Thanks for your help.

Elsie, my brother's slave, came to talk to me.

She's at .......

'Uh, yeah, good job.'

You're very good. I learned a lot from that customer service.

'Well, ...... that's good to know.'

What's going on? You don't have the energy you had earlier, do you?

Oh, yeah, I'm fine. I'm just a little tired.