64 Twenty-four, second emperor. (1/2)
It's been almost a month since we rescued Shelly.
Since then, Cliff's mother has been found quickly and the uncles are busy looking for the burglar's hideout.
Also, a lot of people have gathered in the Imperial City for Cliff's coming-of-age party.
Great lords and ladies from all over, and emissaries from the Church and Kingdom.
No, the realm didn't want them this time.
The other side, with their knight in custody, was unable to say anything either.
As for me, there's been nothing going on for the past month.
I went to school every day.
That's all I did.
If anything's changed, it's school life.
People stopped coming to sherry.
It was so hard to talk at school and now sherry speaks with ease.
Maybe for a variety of reasons, but I think they think Shelly's lost her claim to the throne.
After the kidnapping, the Emperor issued a gag order.
But as expected, word spread quickly among the nobility.
But the rumors are vague.
Apparently, Shelly was kidnapped and rescued by the Forster family: .......
But the kidnappers are still out there.
I guess the nobleman heard about this and felt that Shelley's claim to the throne is no longer valid.
Sherry is a woman.
If she'd been kidnapped, it wouldn't be happening this time: .......
Well, maybe they would have done something wrong.
I'm told that if that's the case, you're not fit to be the next emperor.
In fact, many marriages between noblemen have been broken off after their daughters were kidnapped for political reasons.
But what happens if the culprit is Cliff's mother, as in this case?
Is it still the emperor's decision?
With such uncertain rumors, the nobles stopped flirting with Shelly and started flirting with Mr. Cliff's camp .
He was glad to finally have a quiet school life.
Besides, Sherry doesn't want to be the emperor.
Well, I'm here, and he seems to get along with Leena and her friends when the girls are alone, so he won't miss them.
Oh, and about me and Sherry's engagement issue: ......
From the moment Shelly taught me, there's nothing.
Sherry never says anything to me.
The emperor has been so busy lately that I can't ask him, and I have no idea what's going on.
So a month has gone by, and here I am at the party.
It's Cliff's coming-of-age party.
I thought I'd come early, but the place was already packed with people.
There's a lot of people. Never had a party this big before.
Even I've only had to do it a few times.
I haven't seen the current emperor since he came of age.
When I walked in, my brother Alex, my grandmother, and my mother were talking about this when they saw the crowd of people in the hall.
This time it was the Forsters + the saints + Lena who came to the hall.
But we each found someone to talk to and then we all fell apart.
Leena and I were walking around the hall.
”Hey, Leo!
As I was walking, I saw Frank coming out of the crowd.
”Oh, Frank,
Hey, nice to see you today. I couldn't find you at Leo's brother's party the last time I looked for you, so it's good to see you.
Was it?
Come to think of it, I was obsessed with eating dragon meat back then .
And I wasn't at the party in the middle of the party: .......
Now that I think about it, I didn't celebrate my brother at all.
Sorry, bro.
Some time later, Cliff finally walked in.
”So that's the guy who's going to be king.
Frank looked at Mr. Cliff and muttered.
'I'm not sure I'm going to be the next emperor.
Yeah, but everybody says that. They say that's why you haven't been out of the house lately, and that's probably why you haven't been out of the house lately.
No, Mr. Cliff wasn't outside for some other reason.
I'm not sure.
'Shelly said she didn't want to be emperor,'