79 Chapter 78: Evolution.txt (1/2)

We've got him!

Delarosa, Sasha, and Medero also seemed to have properly defeated the other demons.

The Shiro Ultimate Monkey dropped a slightly larger key, so Bellamus picked it up.

It was probably to get somewhere special, he guessed.

Maybe it was because he had killed all the demons, but all the closed doors were open. Bellamus checked it out.

So let's move on.

With that, he left the door and proceeded out of the room. The rest of the men followed behind.

”Nay, vellum-sue. We're hungry.

After a short walk, Delarosa complained of hunger.

'What? Already?

'Ugh, I'm starving from fighting.

Okay. Okay, eat your Cerberus. Is Sasha and Medero okay? If you're hungry, I'll go back to the room I was in earlier and cook the corpses of the Monkeys.

Are we gonna eat those?

Can you eat it?

It's not a poisonous monster, so it should be able to eat. Well, even if they were, I'd still be able to cure them with magic.

No, no, I'm not hungry. I'm not hungry.

Me too.

Okay. I'm not hungry either, so I don't need to eat. Well, we need to take a break, so let's take a break here for a while.

The other three nodded at Bellamus' suggestion.

Delarosa quickly ate her grilled Cerberus.


It's cold and bad: ......

The baked kerobels were all cold and had become very unappetizing .

Delarosa frowned.

'I'll get you warmed up.'

Bellamus took a grilled Cerberus near the float fire and heated it up.

Then he gives it to Delarosa.

”Bon appétit!