49 Chapter 48: Command.txt (1/2)

Berd returned to the Count of Astraeus.

He told Lemest in detail what had happened and reported that it was impossible for him to return.

Hearing the report, Lemest said.

You're kidding me! You can't say I can't do it. That's unacceptable! Now go back to the woods and resume your mission!

He shouted, his face twisting in anger.

''But fighting will only cause needless deaths.

Soldiers are here to fight for me. I don't care how many men die to take a child away from me.

I would have gladly given my life if it had cost me some of them. But I've come to the conclusion that it's not worth risking my life for.

That being said, Lemest closes up for a moment.

Because he understood that it was difficult to get back in the situation he was reported in.

But that doesn't mean we should give up.

Can you think of some way to get it back, Lemest thinks about it.

I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to make your life easier and more fun. Choose ......

Irritated at the thought, Lemest mumbled to himself .

He had no illusions that he had done anything wrong.

Lemest thinks for a moment.

. and then .

'Come to think of it, Riza was said to have gone to the city of demons, after all.