31 Episode 30 White Legion Ant.txt (1/2)

This is strong!

The General Ant was strong, while Delarosa and Medero were struggling.

The soldier ants behind me were easy to kill, and I was able to reduce their numbers.

But the General Ant is fast and strong with its four swords.

Delarosa and Medero, who basically only dealt with small fry, don't have much experience fighting opponents of the same rank.

Because of that, their fighting techniques were not very clear.

While they were struggling.

I can hear footsteps again from afar.

”Na's got company!

”Uu ...... is struggling for free.

Things are getting bad, and Delarosa and Medero are getting impatient.

Then, seconds later, the Legionnaire Ant emerges.


She's white.

The color was white.

Other than that, it's just like a normal legion anthos, only it's color is white.

There are dozens of white legion ants, but the general ants seem to be acting strangely when they see the white legion ants.

He was threatening the white legion ants.

Then, as if to cut through the crowd of white legion ants, a strange form of white legion ants emerges.

They are taller than normal legion ants. They are slender and smartly built.

It carries a single rapier, a sword that specializes in stabbing.

It was a white general anth.

The white general-ant moved with blinding speed and stabbed the black general-ant in the chest. Then the black general anto fell forward and died.

Delarosa and Medero watched in amazement.

”The white ant killed the ant.

'Doh, what do you mean, Lo: ......

The white General Ant looks alternately at Delarosa and Medero .

The two bodies brace themselves, wondering if they are going to attack. Medero braces himself, slightly frightened.

The white general anthropoid does not attack, but turns its back to them.

Then, after a beckoning gesture, it walked leisurely away.

Could it mean that they should follow me?

Medero examines the implications of his actions.

What should I do? Would you like to follow me?

'What? I'm scared. What if it's a trap?

No, I don't think I'm a trap!



A hunch?

It was a hunch, but Delarosa didn't hesitate to follow the white general ants.

Medeiro was feeling uneasy, but he followed Delarosa as if he was being carried along by the situation.

I followed her.

The general-ant said something to the wall.

And then the wall started to move. It was like a secret door.

It didn't open automatically, but a legion of ants opened it from inside.

It's like a safe house: ......

What do you mean, Lo?

The white General Ant went through a hidden door. Delarosa and Medero followed.

Behind the door is a fairly wide open space.

Inside are many white legion ants.

”There are many white ants.

But are you sure you're okay?

The white Legionnaires don't seem to be attacking us.

The white general ants make a gesture to Delarosa and Medeiro, telling them to wait. Then they go away.

Delarosa and Medero feel uneasy as a crowd of white legion ants stare at them.

After a while, the white general ants come back.

But Delarosa and Medero do not see the white general anthos that have returned.

There was a striking presence beside her.

A pure white legion ant. It was much closer to a human female in appearance.

Her immaculate, pure white appearance seemed to transcend tribal barriers and leave a lasting impression on all who saw her.

''It's beautiful.''

It's true. ......

Delarosa and Medero were also slightly fascinated.

”...... ne, ne ...... but I think that's the queen ants ......

Medero whispered to Delarosa.

...... If you ask me, that's what ...... looks like! Battered down ......!

Wait a minute! That's reckless, indeed!

I knew it was a bad idea to fight with the ants, and I did my best to stop them.