60 Systems task (1/2)

Although the call with Alina was still in his mind, he tried to rid the thought for the moment. After messaging his sister Julia with plans to get together for dinner on the weekend, Ensen spent the rest of the night reviewing some work mixed in with a little relaxing.

The following morning, Ensen did his usual routine. Make some simple food for his students and drive most of them to school.

It was a relatively calm morning. Both Brian and Warren seemed rather tired from hanging out at Brian's home last night.

With Warren looking out the window, Ensen began teaching his math class. Although he was on autopilot with his mind elsewhere. Specifically, his mind was split between Warren and Alina.

'Okay, I need to take this step by step. I can't let myself be overwhelmed.' Ensen thought to himself as he knew he should focus on Warren, as he would have to talk to him today.

After sighing slightly, he realized that class had almost ended already.

Not knowing where the time went, Ensen quickly wrapped up his class just as Gerhardt opened the door to start his.

Beginning to walk towards the door, Ensen raised his voice so everybody could hear him and said ”Warren, can I talk to you outside for a moment?”

As Warren began to get up, Leah and Stephen both laughed slightly as they thought he would be in trouble. The other students weren't much better, as nearly all of them did their best to stifle their laughter, except Flora who just looked around in confusion.

Leaning against the wall in the hallway, Ensen waited for a few seconds before Warren exited the classroom.

”What's the matter, principal?” Warren asked, slightly nervous.

”I was told you went to Brian's yesterday. Was it fun?” Ensen asked.

”Yeah, it was good,” Warren said slowly, growing ever more nervous.

Looking at how nervous Warren seemed, Ensen decided to stop beating around the bush and said directly ”You should have told me if you were going to his house. I am responsible for your safety while you're at school. If you just disappear then what am I supposed to think?”

Freezing for a few seconds to think about what Ensen had said, Warren soon realized that Ensen was right. ”Yeah… you're right I should've told you.” He said, slightly disappointed in himself that he forgot.

”You should've. Of course, that's only while I am driving you home. When there is a transportation service for our school, you can go wherever you'd like. But you still need to be safe.” Ensen stated.

After pausing for a second to let Warren digest his speech, he let Warren return to the classroom to make sure he didn't miss the English class.

Once the class had ended, the break period had officially started. As such, Ensen and Leah both arrived at the music room together to start the first lesson.

As Ensen was setting up a few notes, he asked her ”Do you still feel the piano trying to talk to you?”

”Yeah, I do. I wonder what's it's trying to say.” Leah said before sinking deep into her thoughts.

After pulling out the notes, Ensen walked over to the piano and stood beside the bench.

”Come sit down, we'll begin the lesson now.” He said calmly.

Once Leah slowly sat down onto the bench, she asked excitedly ”So what are we gonna play? La Campanella?”

”Wow, slow down there Leah. You first need to get a good foundation before you can try harder songs, let alone La Campanella. We will work on your form today.” Ensen said, trying to rid the thought out of her head as fast as he could.

Although she seemed slightly disappointed, she nodded slightly.

For the remainder of the break, Ensen did his utmost to help her with the very basic things.

”Sit a little farther back on the bench.”

”Try to relax your shoulders.”

”Straighten your back more.”