32 ??Just another day?? (1/2)

Unbreak Me Imaan00 11640K 2022-07-24


I woke up to the smell of smoking. A series of coughs worked their way out of me and I barely stopped myself from glaring at Ammar. He sat, shirt crumpled, shorts ridden up, on the edge of the bed, working on his laptop.

”Can you go out please?” I rasped, fixing up my hair a little.

He looked back at me for a second then went back to his work. A minute later he said, ”I stopped.”

”Spray some perfume.”

I'd told him a million times how harmful passive smoking was and he was being so disrespectful doing it like this in my room. Couldn't he go outside?

”Get up and do it yourself.”

I fell back against my pillow, aggravated. My eyes flew open when I remembered what today was. I quickly grabbed my phone from the side table, checking for messages.

There were none.

I made a disappointed sound and Ammar stared at me, eyes flicking down to my phone. I quickly put it away, pretending to go back to sleep.

”I know you're awake,” he said. ”You're not going to school today, Leia. We're moving in to our new house.”

I clenched my hands under the sheets. I debated going back to sleep but the smell was killing me. If I had to get up to spray, I might as well talk to Ammar.

I sat up and first of all gathered my hair, tying them all into a massive bun at the base of my neck. ”Can we please talk?”

”Hmm?” He didn't turn back.

I knew just the way to handle him. Grudgingly, I removed the scrunchie from my hair, letting it fall into waves past my shoulders. For a second, I felt guilty. I was going to get divorced and knowingly I was showing him myself like this.