556 Epilogueception 10 Liliths Diary (1/2)

= Lilith =

Life is hard. Revenge is hard. But watching my daughter getting fucked by that bastard is harder.

I still can't believe that Zhang Tong tricked Lilim and has reduced her to this extend. When I found out about the brainwashing effect at first, I thought of a hundred ways to kill this asshole literally.

Well, I hate my powerlessness. If I had my old strength, I would have killed him long ago. You can count yourself lucky, Tong!

I don't hate my changed daughter. She's so cute and adorable with her new personality.

I hate to admit that she has changed for the better. I don't like the fact that I have to give credits to Tong.

Just you wait, fucker! I'll get my strength back ASAP, and I'll torture you to the point that you'll beg me to kill you!

Never mind that. I think Hua Shi has done it for me. Good job, girl!

I heard from Friday and Medusa that Hua Shi has bullied Tong a lot. That's good to hear.

I like it when Medusa complained. It's good to see how these idiots running around and gossip about their stupid husband. How does it feel when another girl constantly castrating you man, bitches!?

I take that back. Hua Shi, you fool! You haven't tortured Zhang Tong enough! How the fuck does he visit my daughter so often!? Take him away! Leave us alone!

I guess seeing him once a week for a decade dulls my frustration. I hate to admit it, but Lilim is so happy when Tong is around. Their children dance around every time that Tong shows up.

Should I really accept this? Dong Zhuo as my son-in-law?


Okay, you two. I know that seeing each other only once a week improves your desire…



One of these days, I'll create a barbed dildo and shove it in Zhang Tong's ass.

Lilim, stop doing it outside! You're setting a bad example for your children!

Welp, these creatures have done it. Sibling fucking. How precious.

At least, Medusa and Friday's children are in the mix. I don't want to see everyone fucking their relatives.

I'm wondering what kind of cripples will come out of these things. Will they evolve into dragons or will they devolve into monsters?

Wanna bet? I bet 1 day of lifespan that Hydras or Krakens will come out of those monsters' pussies. I'm sure tentacle monsters will be the mainstream in the few thousand years.

I also had a dream. I saw eggs, a lot of them. Egg creatures with a hundred tentacles. Some are big. Some are small. Some even become parasites. I don't hate symbiosis creatures, but if you have to rely on mortal hosts, you suck, my children.

Eh, I doubt I can make it to the next festival. I won't be strong enough to fight for a prize.




Three times is a charm. Fourth time is a dick.

Next objective: 10 Wings!

Here I go!

Life sucks. Cultivation in this body takes so much time!

Everyone has gone to the festival. I want to go, too, but not in this condition.

I need to learn how to polymorph into a human soon.

Life sucks.

Zhang Tong is dead.

I should have been glad, but I'm sad.

The children are sad. Their children's children are sad.

Fuck you, Zhang Tong! How dare you die before I kill you!?

I'm not crying. You're crying.

Fuck you, Li Feihong! Fuck you, Medusa!

You two should have told me that you've got his soul! I wouldn't have cried for him!

I get the whole story now. Zhang Tong did it again, it seems.

He ALLAHU-AKBARed Misha and got double-KO. Good job, my son!

They got Lucifer's soul out of that mess, too. Well, he's a pitiful lad. He deserves some love, seriously.

When and where are they going to reincarnate, I wonder?

Medusa is the new admin. Life sucks.

I think she found out about my hiding spot, but she's keeping it to herself. This wrenched bitch! I know that you're a player. Stop pretending to be a good native!

Don't you dare to treat me like a player! I'm a native, through and thorough!

Is it wrong for me for trying to kill my mother several times?

None of you can blame me, alright? She wanted to kill me first! This is my family's business!





I guess Li Feihong has gone nuts.

I understand him though. His boss becomes his son, and that stupid boss retains his memory. How the hell can he raise Zhang Tong with his memory intact? This is some mindfuckery.

If I were him, I would have dumbed Zhang Tong on the spot. Giving him to his harem is the right choice.