488 Dark Zhuge Liang (1/2)

”Ah, so this place is an alternate world? Many people from the future messed with our livelihood, I see.”

Zhuge Liang muttered after he woke up from a long dream.

Yesterday, Dong Bai asked Zhuge Liang if he wanted to be a demon or an angel. She even described the traits and the perks of each cultivation.

The innocent Zhuge Liang of yesterday picked the demon's side, so he could walk the same path as Tong.

But now, Zhuge Liang regretted it.

”Oh boy. I should have picked the simpler path. Angel cultivation techniques should have been easier and more beneficial! What's the point of taking the curses and act against my desire!?”

He was in a bad mood, not because of the wrong choice of cultivation technique, but because of Tong and other reincarnators' existence.

Those people were not supposed to exist in this world. Yet, they were here, exploiting their futuristic knowledge and ruined the historical trend. Moreover, Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang's former lord, was captured and branded as a traitor.

Zhuge Liang felt like his future was robbed by Tong and otherworlders. He felt cheated.

”Ah… I'm pissed,” He sulked and sat idly on his bed.

As his imagination wandered through the flow of his old memory, he recalled Sima Yi, who allegedly acted as if he knew everything. Zhuge Liang remembered that this obnoxious youth always bullied him whenever he used the clan chat.

Everything made sense now.

”That bastard knew!! Dammit, Sima Yi!!”

Zhuge Liang jumped up with his reddened face of fury, but he calmed down after a bit of recollection.

After sitting still for half an hour, a cunning smile finally appeared on his face for the first time after he became aware of the world.

”Kekeke! Ah, interesting. Very interesting! Zhang Tong, you've messed up big time!!”

No one knew what he was thinking. But one for sure, he was up to no good.



That afternoon, Zhuge Liang visited Dong Bai, the current empress, at her private office to report for his duty.

Dong Bai had succeeded the authority from Tong and Medusa, who were at the critical state of breaking through to become an 8-wing demon. Although Friday was inexperienced at managing, she was much older than every mortal here. As such, she had been reigning the unstable empire and kept it mostly in check.

But she needed Zhuge Liang's skills now. Or else, Tong's hard work would be ruined because of a few selfish officers.

”I've obtained my memory and the cultivation technique. I'm here to report for duty.”

The cunning strategist bowed his head to this teenage girl in front of him. Zhuge Liang did not look like an innocent youth in his puberty anymore.

Zhuge Liang nodded, ”That's simple. We'll need to execute the ringleader of this mess and show our retainers that we're serious.”

”Ah!! Right. Killing a chicken to scare monkeys?”

”That's correct.”

”So, who should we kill?”

”Don't you already know who to kill? You said a ringleader of this mess, and you mentioned the name.”

”I do?”


”Then who?”

”Te Langpu. Please send an order to kill this man immediately before he ruins his majesty's empire any further.”


The proposal was audacious and bold. Had she killed Te Langpu, she might have upset many officials in Ye, including Sima Fang or Lu Zhi, who had been working together for years. Moreover, Te Langpu had been contributing a lot to Tong's domestic stability. Backlashes and dire consequences would surely await them if they really push this plan through.

”No, no!! Bad idea! Executing him will make our officers revolt!! Do you remember that I said we don't have proof?”

”Hahaha, your majesty. You're still too naïve. Who said anything about killing him directly?”


”We have a few loose cannons. Zhou Yu and Sun Ce are still around, right?”


”We'll summon both of them here, and we'll make them do it for us. If they can't, we can just frame them.”