485 Urban Battle in Hongnong (1/2)

Chapter 485 – Urban Battle in Hongnong

The city acquisition progress was not smooth. Soon, Liu Bei's remnant soldiers noticed the uninvited guests inside the city.

”Over there!”

Finally, Bo Cai's 5,000 men ran into a platoon of Liu Bei's remaining men.

Bo Cai activated his wing force and enhanced his physical body. He led the charge and leaped into the group of soldiers.


Ordinary humans were no match against a trained angel. Bo Cai's long sword cleaved the oncoming cataphracts and Liu Bei's footmen like tofu.

A hundred soldiers followed after Bo Cai's lead, pushing their spears into the flesh of the charging enemies.

However, not all soldiers could utilize their formation properly as the fighting ground was a narrow road. ;

The opponents were also smart. Liu Bei's men began moving through other alleys and roads to flank Bo Cai's men.

Still, Bo Cai came prepared.

Half of Bo Cai's units climbed wooden buildings, standing on top of them while pointing their repeating crossbows at the moving enemies.



Rain of arrows poured on the running soldiers. Liu Bei's footmen cried in pain the moment arrows lodged into their flesh.

Meanwhile, cataphracts ignored the arrows and mindlessly charged forward. The arrowheads could not penetrate their scale armors!

A thousand cataphracts rode on main roads, detouring the main combat zone where Bo Cai was fighting. When they reached a corner that they could turn and flank Bo Cai, they ran into a formation of shield bearers and spearmen.

The road was too narrow for 10 horsemen to move in a single row. As such, they formed several rows of 7-8 riders and pushed forward. ;



The armored horses hit the shields, but they could not break through the ranks of shieldsmen's formation. The following riders ran into their comrades and got stuck in traffic, losing the running momentum.

The shield carriers did not do anything fancy but holding their shields to protect their comrades. Five lines of soldiers pushed a hundred shields to cover every place that a cataphract could attack their friends.

Spearmen mixed within their ranks. They passed their spears to the shieldbearers.

As if they knew what the spearmen were up to, they accepted the spears and used it against the horsemen, stabbing horses and riders through the gaps of their shields. ;

Meanwhile, the soldiers on the building rooftops rushed toward the scene, but they did not continue to shoot at the armored riders with their puny arrows. Instead, every soldier picked a sack hanging on their belt and looked for a torch.

The captain of each archer units lighted a torch and passed it to their squad.

Everyone lit the fire with a rag cloth, making it a fuse. Then, one of the soldiers tossed a sack toward the group of horsemen.


An explosion erupted the moment the content inside the sack touched the fire.

They were handmade bombs that Yuan Shao Army had, but Bo Cai took their recipe to use it for his men!

The explosive could barely harm the riders since their scale armors absorbed some of the impacts.

But not one bomb bag was thrown at them, a hundred bomb sacks flew at the horsemen.




The road erupted. Pieces of red flesh, horses and their riders alike, flew in the air. Blood and innards scattered along with its owners.

The explosion scared Liu Bei's men and the hiding civilians. Several of Liu Bei's soldiers fled the scene to avoid the fighting upon seeing the destructive weaponry.

Still, more mindless cataphracts kept coming after the commotion. Ten thousand riders flooded the city and moved toward Bo Cai's units.


One flying man flew from the west wall and landed before the approaching soldiers. An angel with 4-wings entered the battlefield. Coincidentally, he appeared before the rushing horsemen.

Zhang Liao was holding two halberds, but the weapons were glowing in red light.

The light was Zhang Liao's aura, which reinforced the weapons.


Zhang Liao transformed into red light as he dashed into the ranks of cataphracts. Horse blood and fluid of the riders splashed as he went through.

Blood rain kept pouring along with red after images of Zhang Liao's weapons. As if he were the embodiment of carnage, everywhere Zhang Liao went, fountains of blood followed after him.

Yet, the cataphracts knew no fear. They blindly rushed at Zhang Liao one after another.

The general grinned. Since the enemies were rushing to their death, he would gladly send them on their way.





Inside Hongnong treasury building, Liao Hua, a 5,000-man commander, a subordinate of Liu Bei, was searching for valuable items for his lord.

Unfortunately, Li Feihong had stored all of them in his inventory. Nothing remained in the building.

”Fuck! This city is too poor! How the hell did Zhang Tong manage this city without food and gold!?”

Liao Hua strode out of the building in a bad mood.

As soon as he stepped his feet outside, a flustered soldier knelt before him.

”Commander! The west units have encountered an ambush! We've found Zhang Liao and his men!”

Liao Hua frowned. The west region should have been under the control of Liu Bei and Ma Chao's main forces, so their troops should have quashed these ambushers long ago.

”Where are Ma Chao's units? Why haven't they dealt with those fools!?”

The messenger looked distressed, ”I-I don't know, sir! We've lost contact with the main units!”