Chapter 272 Checkmate, MotherfOOker! (1/2)

Chapter 272 – Checkmate, MotherfOOker!

While Jia Xu and Tian Feng were duking it out, Li Feihong rode alone, rushing toward the east.

As Li Feihong was galloping his horse, monitors floated around himself.

Among his monitors, one of them showed an image of granaries and provision, which revealed the destination that he was aiming.


Zhang Liao: There's a patrol group ahead. Turn left and hide!

The clan chat message popped in front of Li Feihong, which he pulled the horse reign and turned left per the instruction.

Five minutes later.


Zhang Liao: They are gone. You are clear.

Zhang Liao: Continue southeast.

Zhang Liao and 10,000 Heavy cavalries were inside Li Feihong's [Private World] at the moment.

Last night, Li Feihong suggested that they should target Yuan Shao's food supplies to cripple their ability to sustain Yuan Shao's over 100,000-man army.

Jia Xu had devised a scheme. He and the rest of the army would act as a bait to draw Yuan Shao's eyes and his army while Li Feihong had to use his monitor abilities to sneak to Yuan Shao supply depots behind their main camp.

To reach their unnoticed, Li Feihong opened the gate to his private world, which Zhang Liao and 10,000 elite horsemen went inside.

Today, the skill cooldown had been reset, and Li Feihong could open his gates again. He rushed toward Yuan Shao's supply camp by himself so that he could summon the gates and allow Zhang Liao and his men to raid the camp without being noticed.

While Zhang Liao and his troops were inside, they did not stay there without help. They could see hundreds of monitors, which were broadcasting what was happening in the outside world. Zhang Liao and his men watched the monitors, helping Li Feihong navigating through the field of Yuan Shao's patrolling scouts.

2.30 PM.


Zhang Liao: You're close! It's a bit further south!”

Zhang Liao: No guard in the area. You can get closer.

Li Feihong looked up. He could see that there was a line of fence further south, 700 to 800 meters away from him. He guided his horse and galloped toward the camp while he texted back.

Li Feihong: Tell me when you want to come out.

Zhang Liao: Not yet. Get closer!

Li Feihong got closer as he was asked.

500 Meters.

200 Meters.

”Who goes there!?”

A guard on a watchtower noticed Li Feihong. He shouted and aimed his crossbow at the unidentified visitor.

Zhang Liao: Don't panic. Tell him that you're Yuan Shao's messenger.

”I'm Lord Yuan Shao's messenger. I've come to relay his order!”

The guard glared at him in suspicion. More guards also noticed the commotion and gathered around. Their weapons still aimed at Li Feihong.

”Show us your token!”

Zhang Liao: Good work. Their eyes are on you.

Zhang Liao: Open the gate behind them. We'll take it from here.

Li Feihong read the messages and smiled. He raised both of his hands to the air while he manipulated the void gate to open inside the supply camp.

”Don't shoot! I'll find it. It's in my horseback!”

Several guards kept staring at Li Feihong, which they failed to realize that several horsemen appeared behind them.



A dozen guards fell as Zhang Liao and his men got out of the private world.

Li Feihong sighed a relief. However, he did not let his guard down as he continued to maintain his gate until the last soldier could come out.

As Li Feihong was busying stabilizing the gate, Zhang Liao and the men who got out began their works, throwing crude oil jars and torches at buildings. Those who had free hands rushed inside the camp and slaughtered everyone they found.

The fire spread within the camp as Zhang Liao's armored cavalries passed.

Five minutes later, a commander within Yuan Shao supply camp finally arrived to drive back the invaders.

”I'm Chunyu Qiang! Who dares to face me?”

A taunt of a commander drew Zhang Liao's attention. He charged at the officer and bellowed, ”I AM ZHANG LIAO!”



In two moves, Zhang Liao beheaded Chunyu Qiang, one of Yuan Shao's generals.

After the head of the enemy general rolled on the ground, Zhang Liao had a new inspiration.

”Men! Every time you killed an enemy, shout my name! Repeat after me, I AM ZHANG LIAO!”



Li Feihong's expression turned into a meme poker face upon hearing the commotion and Zhang Liao's declaration.

'Is that how he became famous in ancient China?'