Chapter 48 Battle of Anping – Day One (1/2)

Chapter 48 – Battle of Anping – Day One

October 23rd. Morning.

Han Fu Army appeared at the south of Tong's fortress. Their front line formed up in formations while the soldiers in the back were busy crafting ladders to prepare for the siege.

Guo Dian Army arrived later at 10AM. Just like Han Fu, they settled formed up and took their time getting ready to attack.

Both army sent their spy to scout the fortress layout and obtain more information. They also came into contact with each other and sent their messengers to negotiate for the coalition against Tong and his men.

Tong was observing their movements with his radar map. He had marked both Han Fu Army and Guo Dian Army in a different color when Tong came into the radar range.

To moment Tong saw the two different color came into contact and didn't kill each other, Tong guessed that they should somehow come to a truce.

Up till now, Tong was still baffled of why Han Fu would attack his camp. So once the Han Fu Army arrived, Tong sent his messenger to negotiate with them and asked why they had to attack his camp and his family.

At 10.30 AM, a messenger from Han Fu Army came and stopped in front of the gate. Tong already stood on top of the wall, observing the incoming messenger.

The horseman messenger hurled a head toward the gate. It was the head of Tong's messenger who was sent to negotiate with Han Fu Army!


There was a limit of how uncivil or trickery antics that Tong could tolerate. Killing a messenger was definitely not one of them.

He took out the rifle and aimed at the horseman.


Three rounds of burst fire killed the horseman before he could turn around went back.


Tong's subordinates breath in cold air. The immortal had demonstrated another magic again. This time, someone fell because of his wrath.

”Get someone to take that body and pierce it with a stake from his anus through his mouth. I want that stake as a decoration in front of the south gate.”

Tong's voice was calm and monotonous. However, his men could feel that Tong's killing intent was intensified. They hurried back and completed his order with goosebumps and shaking legs.

Ten minutes later, a group of another horsemen came and hurled the insults toward Tong and his troops, causing the soldiers inside to fume in rage.

”They sure want to get me angry alright. And they have succeeded.”

Tong mumbled to himself and adjusted his rifle, sniping the bad mouthing horsemen down one by one. The troops behind Tong cheered when they saw the foul mouth enemies fell.

Pan Feng observed the commotion outside the fortress south gate from afar. He heard that the commander of the Zhang family was just a brat, so he planned to provoke Tong and drew him out to fight outside of the fort.

But it seemed that Tong was more tolerant than He had thought because the insult from his men and Tong's dead messenger couldn't draw Tong Army out.

Pan Feng wanted to step forward and challenged Tong into a duel. But after he heard that Tong had a strange thunder magic, he stopped his idea.

He had his men surveyed the landscape, and got the reports that his opponents had dug pitfall traps around the fortress. Yet, the pitfall traps were concentrated around the peninsula-like extended walls of the strange fort while the road to the gate was clear of traps.

Pan Feng smirked.

”Such childish traps won't work against us. Men! Hear my order! Have the shield bearers carry extra planks. If you see any suspicious uneven ground, put the planks on the ground.”

”As you command!”

”Ready the men. We will siege it at noon.”

Meanwhile, Guo Dian was relaxing in his tent, ignoring what Pan Feng and Tong had done.

After he heard from his spies that Wen Chou and his men retreated back to Nan Pi, he was relief. They don't have to face that elite army anymore. The rowdy bandits ahead of him could never be a match for his army.

”Since Han Fu wants to deal with the Zhang, then let them have him.”

”Men! Stay in position but do not siege! We will watch the show from the sideline.”

Guo Dian had lost many men already, so he allowed Pan Feng and Han Fu troops to take a bite first. Once Tong's camp was damaged enough, he would launch the assault and reap the fortune later.

The sun hung on the middle of the clear sky, indicating that it was noon.