17 The Prince of Qin (1/2)
Suyin was anticipating to die from the cliff sooner or later, but she didn't feel any collision at all. Instead, she contacted something warm against her head.
Suyin opened her eyes and peered up, only to see Qin Fuhua's attractive features in front of her. Qin Fuhua held her (specifically bride-style) with Suyin leaning her head on his chest! Qin Fuhua easily landed on the ground with no difficulty.
The two were surrounded in an area next to a pond with a small waterfall flowing from the middle of the mountain. Due to the weather and collapsing rocks in the past, the center of the cliff formed a small waterfall which made the current at the base of the place. It was a small beach area, besides the grasses and trees near them.
”T-The flowers!” Suyin quickly got out of his grip and plunged down to find the flowers. It was challenging enough for her to even get it, she's not going waste it now! The flowers floated above the pond, making Suyin hop into the pond, slowly walking in the water to seize it. Luckily the pond was shallow enough that it only reached up to her knees.
”There!” She stated, grabbing it as she shook off the excess water droplets on the flower.
Qin Fuhua watched Suyin spring out of his grasp and ran into the water. Did this woman have no shame? He perceived her idiotic self, doubtful if this person was even a woman. He was impressed...again but it was temporary.He swiftly gazed away from her when Suyin spun around to him.
It was the perfect opportunity to go back to the cottage and save the child! Suyin held the flowers up, facing the sun and smiled until she saw the cliff.....and Qin Fuhua! She had forgotten that several minutes ago, she was resting on his chest!
Qin Fuhua didn't look at her but she felt the need for appreciating him...again for the infinity of times he rescued her. ”Thanks.” She delivered, embarrassed that she was clenching onto him earlier. Without him though, she would have been dead, yet again. Somehow when disaster follows her, he appears at the right time to save her.
Suyin gripped the flowers close to her chest, making sure that it wouldn't fall out of her hands again. She stepped closer to the cliff, staring up. ”How am I going to get this to her now?” She softly spoke, looking at the tall cliff, then the flowers. The little girl was most likely enduring the pain again, and it would take Suyin hours to get around this place to arrive back to the house. Although it was selfish of her, she would have to ask Tienzheng if he could take her back to the cottage. It was the quickest way.
”Um..” She turned her head to Qin Fuhua. ”Do you mind taking me back up to the cliff and back to my place?” She spoke hastily. Qin Fuhua only stared back at her, not giving her an answer. ”Look, I have someone who needs my help right now. I know I am not in the right place to ask for you help but-”
”And what do I get in return?”
Suyin stopped talking. What does he mean he gets something in return? Suyin had nothing to lose because she was in a rush and was desperate to find a way back.
”We'll deal with that later. Please. I just need to get back.”
Qin Fuhua conceded. He picked her up again, carrying her as he sprang from the ground, flying high up in the air. Suyin was amazed at Qin Fuhua's strength and ability to even soar up like this! She was afraid of heights, so she held tightly to the flowers to her chest, squeezing her eyes throughout the rest of the traveling.
Qin Fuhua traveled from the cliff, soaring through the sky, the forest, and towards the cottage. While flying, he lowered his head to look at Suyin who tightly closed her eyes while clutching on the flowers.
”Is she really that important to you? Even when you barely know her?” Qin Fuhua thought to himself, reaching to the cottage home. His feet landed on the ground, causing Suyin to open her eyes.
”We're here?”
Qin Fuhua dropped her, making her fall, butt first, to the ground. ”How dare you!” Suyin whined, rubbing her butt as she got up. She had no time to fight with him so she threw out an ugly glare to Qin Fuhua, then hurried inside the cottage.
”Suyin!” Areum turned around. Areum was holding the child's hands to support her. Chuhua glanced and saw Suyin walking in the room. ”Suyin!” She also said, smiling at her presence. The smile was short because of the pain.
”I'll boil this and let you drink it,” Suyin stated, heading to the stove to boil the water. It took a couple of minutes for Suyin to finish the process to pour the drink into a cup to give to Chuhua.
”Here. Drink it.” Suyin helped the child sit up, blowing the medicine as Chuhua slowly sipped the medicine. She gave a displeased expression from the bitter medicine but was very obedient in drinking it. It would take only a couple of minutes to kick in, so Suyin sat there while Chuhua rested on the bed.
”Do you feel a little bit better now?” Suyin asked.
”Mhm.” She nodded. ”I do not feel a lot of pain like I did before!” She announced.
Suddenly, the door swung open with Qin Fuhua there, standing at the entrance to the door.
Suyin, Areum, and Chuhua turned their heads to the door in sync. They all poked their heads out the door. Chuhua was feeling better and didn't feel pain in her muscle, so she leaped out of her bed as soon as she saw Qin Fuhua.
”Big Brother!” Chuhua ran up to Qin Fuhua to give him a hug. Qin Fuhua returned one back and gave a fatherly smile to his little sister.
”Brother?!” Suyin and Areum both said at the same time, shocked. What was even more unexpected for Suyin was that Qin Fuhua actually had a genuine, handsome smile! He looked way more attractive with a smile like that, but it was a shame that his poor attitude had to ruin it.
”Little Princess, what did we agree on?” Qin Fuhua cooly noted. Chuhua nodded.
”I'm sorry, Big Brother. I didn't mean to go out this far,” She confessed, ”but they left my carriage and I got a little too carried away.”
Suyin's mouth was just wide open. Who? What? When? Where? What the heck was going on?! Suyin couldn't comprehend what was going on as well as Areum.
”I brought the carriage here. Go back home, okay?” Qin Fuhua softly spoke to Chuhua.
”Mhm!” She whirled around and jumped to Suyin, holding her. ”Thank you for treating me! I wished you were the one treating me instead of those doctors!” Chuhua said. Chuhua held Areum also, thanking her in the process for taking care of her before she left to go to the carriage with Weizhe bowing in front of the Princess.
”Thank you for taking care of the little Princess.” Qin Fuhua praised straightforward to Suyin and Areum.
Dumbfounded, the two looked at each other.
”Isn't that the Prince, and why is he kneeling?” Areum said to Suyin, staring at Wansun, who also agreed.
”I apologize, but it was my job to represent the Prince at the time. I am actually the right hand of the Prince, Weizhe.” Weizhe admitted, then nodded to take his leave with the Princess.
Areum and Suyin couldn't believe their eyes.
Then... the person that they have been talking to the whole time....
”Tienzheng?!” Suyin claimed.
”My lady! Why are you calling his name all of a sudden?! He isn't Tienzheng! That's the Prince!” Areum hushed Suyin. Areum was sure that this person standing in front of her was not Tienzheng, the scholar.
Qin Fuhua stared at Suyin comfortably. ”Who is that person?”
Fuhua didn't acknowledge the name, but Suyin was a hundred percent sure that he was Tienzheng.
”I was thinking about letting you linger for a couple of days here, but because you served her some medicine that we don't know of, you must come with me.” Qin Fuhua addressed, going back to his bitter self again. Areum tugged on Suyin's sleeves.
”Are you going to be in big trouble?” Areum murmured. She swung her head.
”Just take care of the house,” Suyin assured. If she knew that the child was a Princess, she would have taken precaution with the medicine.
She understood that back in the days, royal families were extremely cautious with their people. They could easily manipulate people and execute them because of their authority.
Qin Fuhua's cold, facial expression never left him. It was shocking how different he seemed when he was with Chuhua, but as soon as she left, frozen glaciers pierced from his eyes.
Suyin was even bold enough to ask and command him to take her back here! She comforted Areum that she would be fine and walked out of the house with Qin Fuhua following behind her.
Suyin and Fuhua sat in the carriage with a heavy atmosphere between the two. Suyin was now curious as to why he was a Prince and not a scholar. Qin Fuhua rested at the right side, staring out of the window through his see-through silken fabric while Suyin examined his side profile. Was he really a Prince? Or was this all just a joke also?
”Tienzheng,” Suyin uttered. Qin Fuhua was still gazing outside, not turning to her as she grimaced. Was it because of the name? ”Prince,” Suyin spoke.
”Finding out names will not work.” Qin Fuhua responded, reluctant to look at her. Suyin wanted to know who this person really was and why he had two names.
It was strange that Areum had not figured out that he was Tienzheng either, so it was unusual for her to be the only one to recognize him.