Chapter 78 - Chapter: Fast (1/2)

Op System NaiveOne 42580K 2022-07-24

”you know that im watching? how...?”

”your really something madgod” a weird man voice came to Shen Tian ears.

Inside the golden cage are only the two siblings, Mei Tian is even staring at Shen Tian after muting his voice with a serious expression on her face but he just smirked back.

”why are smiling onii-chan?” Mei Tian frowned then she become shock because Shen Tian stand up from the ground even thought he was restrained by 20 times gravity.

”my imouto like i said you shouldn't do that” Shen Tian is looking down at her with a killing intent now, He wanted to kill her, even thought she is his sister and she love him but she attemted something crazy... in short she is dangerous individual.

”wh-whats happening?!?!” Mei Tian felt something is very wrong, her brother shouldn't be able to move and talk.

”System Login ID: Heathcliff, Password: *******. Restrain Fairy Goddess..” Shen Tian see a four golden Chain appear out of nowhere, attaching itself into Mei Tian limbs. she become shock at the sudden developement. The he made the main system interference appear by tapping something on the air.

”How.... onii-chan you!!” Mei Tian struggle in the air to escape but she couldn't move the golden chain.

'that ID if i remember thats from the old game creator... but Kayaba Akihiko is already dead... how can onii-chan use it?!? i need to log out before its too late!!' she thought

”System Login ID: Fairy Goddess Password: ******* Log Out!!!” Mei Tian shout feeling a bit excited that she can escape but nothing happen so she shouted again and again ”Log out!!!!... System Log me out now!!!!”

Shen Tian is tapping something on the Alfhiem Main system that appear before him, He smile coldly at his little sister resistance.

”i already lock your account and with the others who are managing the game inside so do not struggle anymore” Shen Tian

Mei Tian felt despair when she heard him. she have a hopeless expression on her face ” How can you use that account....”

”i will dealt with you in the real world” Shen Tian move his gaze away from her as if she isn't worth his time, he look down at the players who are fighting below their numbers are reduce to 1000+ now. ” eh Nanami and Agil are the only ones alive...?”


Tens of thousands life fire's burn wildly on the ground that have different of colors it was a shocking sight, this life fire appears only when a player die's, A Humanoid monsters rampaging around killing players.

”Looks like we failed...” Agil sigh after swinging his axe around wildly killing monsters at his side is silent Nanami, she felt hopeless clenching her fist as she look up at the golden cage that is about to be cover by monsters again but her expression become confuse because the monsters suddenly start acting wierdly.

”the monster...?” Nanami.

The Humanoid monsters stopped attacking them making the players confuse, the Monsters fly through the air weather its small or big monsters they start tl form a formation surrounding the Golden Cage and they open a path for the players to see it.

”whats happening? is this some kind of event...”

”did we clear the Quest!?!”

”everyone calmdown... ill go alone there first to check if its safe... ” Nanami state to the players that are already excited some players wanted to protest but a screen interference appear on their sight.

[Logging Out] [Logging Out] [Logging Out]

”wha-!!!!” all of the players disappear by transforming into bluish particle. They are being force to log out by Shen Tian except for Agil and Nanami.

”Agil, Nanami come here..” a calm voice came from the Golden cage above that is being surrounded by Monsters.

Nanami and Agil are dumbfounded at what happen but they suddenly become excited Flying to the Golden Cage. its gate are opened for them to enter. Inside they see a familiar looking handsome young man sitting on a Throne in the middle smiling at them.

”Long Time no see Nanami and Agil...”

”yo long time no see!” Agil smile seeing his friend ok but his attention came to the girl that is tied in a golden chain on the air.

”She is the one who trapped me here, you guys don't have to worry about me anymore the problem are already solve... i can log out now” Shen Tian

”looks like you don't need our help haha... well i have many questions but lets talk in the real world later.. ill be leaving first” Agil notice Nanami who is silent at his side her eyes are covered by the shadow of her golden hair.

”Alright” Shen Tian see Agil transform into bluish particle after logging out.

Nanami felt something wet besides her cheek but she ignore it as she run towards Shen Tian by liping on his sitting form, She hugged him tight ”Shen!! your back!! your really back!! *sniff* *sniff*”

”thats right hmm” Shen Tian hugs her slender body back and He brushes her golden hair all the way down to her back with his hands to calm her down. Nanami buried her head on his C.h.e.s.t and she gripped her hands around him tighter as she cried for a while.

Nanami calm down as the time passes, she wanted to ask Shen Tian many Question but words couldn't come out from her mouth, She just stare at Shen Tian while laying on his c.h.e.s.t.

”i know that you have many questions but can we do it in the real world? i don't really want to stay here any longer...”