47 Chapter: I HATE (1/2)
In a white space
Shen Tian opened his eyes then looking around his surroundings with a confused face, because he didn't know where the hell he is right now.
”Shen...” a feminine voice.
Shen Tian turned his head towards where the voice came from, then his eyes widen from surprised because he see a golden haired girl. her eyes is covered by her hair but he can see she is smiling at him.
The golden haired girl didn't reply to him, but she opened her arms as if welcoming him with warm hug.
Shen Tian didn't go forward to the girl, because he felt a weird vibe from her he looked at the girl carefully.
”Who are you!?!?” Shen Tian
A girl with a chesnut colored hair appeared besides the golden haired girl, her eyes is covered by her hair then her lips formed into smile looking at Shen Tian.
” hate... hate them... hate them...” The two girls started saying in creepy voice.
Shen Tian body trembled everytime he hear the girl say the word 'hate' it seems effecting him. He wanted to stop them but he couldn't move from his spot then he felt a sharp pain on his forehead.
Shen Tian gritted his teeth and holded his head with both of his hands while enduring the pain.
Many people started appearing near him their eyes is covered by their hair but they have a familiar look and attire.
”AAAAHH!!” Shen Tian shouted in pain as a magic circle appeared on his forehead
”HATE.... HATE THEM..HATE THEM!!!! HATE EVERYTHING!!!” The people chanted it like an evil mantra
A violet Energy started to come towards Shen Tian going inside him, making him scream in pain this continue in hours, for him it felt like its eternity. then after that it seems his body can't absorb violet energy anymore.
”I...” Shen Tian stopped trembling his eye's is still closed and his expression become calm, but the magic circle on his forehead started spinning until it looked like rennigan then it glowed with violet light.
The people's around him strangely become quiet. As if expecting for something. On Shen Tian vision a thousands of 'HATE' word started appearing everywhere.
”i HATE...”
The people's around him started disappearing like a smoke with a creepy smile on their face's.
Shen Tian open his eyelid slowly, his red eyes have some violet mixed on it, but he doesn't have a light in his eyes as if he is possesed and on his forehead a magic circle that looked like rennigan appeared there as it glowed in violet light.
”I HATE this city...” Shen Tian said in a cold voice, while looking down at the Tokyo City from above the clouds with his expressionless face. He streched his right hand towards the city slowly.
”CHIBAKU TENSEI” A black matter started to gather on Shen Tian palm the magic circle on his forehead dimmed as the black matter on his hands become bigger. It stopped when the black matter on his hands have a size of a pingpong ball. When Shen Tian was about to release the black matter on the sky it disappeared suddenly.
A glowing word appeared inside Shen Tian head clearing his thoughts 'Evil Shall Be Devoured'
The light core inside his body started rotating as it absorbed the violet energy in his spirit even the magic spell on his forehead disappeared. His red eyes started to brighten as well even the violet mixed on it disappeared.
”What the hell was that?” Shen Tian said while looking at his own hands in fear.
”Did i just tried to destroy the city? Op system what just happened a while ago?”
[Op system: Host have abused the power of rennigan even thought host shouldn't have access to it, because Host is to weak thus Host have created second personality. ]
”There really nothing free in this world...” Shen Tian
Shen Tian looked around the Tokyo city, he see the destroyed Omnyo Agency and some buildings around it.
'What happened here?' He thought