24 Chapter: The heck is that a monster....? (1/2)
-December 25, 2023 Shen Tian-
After Shen Tian parting with Nanami he is now walking towards the Boss dungeon with lazy eyes *yawn* ”damnn i shouldn't act cool infront of Nanami i really want to go to bed and sleep now!!!!”
”Whats.. that..?” He stopped seeing a bush moving at the side.
The bush started to move away from Shen Tian fast.
”The heck is that a monster....? ” Shen Tian is curious so he started to follow the bush deeper inside the forest. When he was following the weird bush he heard a voice from a far. Looking at his surroundings to find the where the voice come from.
”Help theres murderer here.....” a sound from a far the bush become even faster escaping from his sight but Shen Tian ignore it.
”This voice seems familiar..” Shen Tian turned his vision where the voice come from and started running towards it at full speed when he was getting close he see a five figures from a far. He used his hwak eye game skill to see them clearly.
Shen Tian see a woman surrounded by three guys that look like a bandits ”Is that Griselda....?”
”You!! What are you doing to Griselda!?!?!” He yelled while running towards them.
The three bandit surrounded Griselda and started attacking her griselda desepirately blocked all the attack but she couldn't block it all then a sword was stabbed through her stomach. When Shen Tian see that he widen his eyes.
”No...No...” He said in low voice as Shen Tian see Griselda body glowed brightly signaling that she died.
Shen Tian see Griselda turned her face towards his direction she smiled at him with tears at her eyes when he see her like that he felt an anger rising inside him like a volcano that was about to explode.
[Op system: (Killer instinc Rank A) ---> (Demon instinc Rank S)]
”I Will kill you all!!!” He ignore it as he yelled towards the three player that attacked griselda rushing at them at full speed.
[Op system: (Feather step Rank B) ---> (Feather Step Rank A)]
[Op system: (Feather step Rank A) ---> (Phantom Step Rank S)]
When Shen Tian was about to reach them he see Griselda beautiful face that is stained with her tears looking at him with a smile her mouth opened as if want to say something to him then her body shined brightly before exploding in Bluish particle.
Grimlock noticed Shen Tian towards their location already he yelled at him ”Who are you!?!”
The three bandits who is looking at Shen Tian direction as well and was about to say something.
”Hah!! ”He didn't care about it at all as he unsheathed his claymore. Heappeared at their front like a Phantom waving his sword at three bandit hitting them all to fly in different direction in one waved of his claymore.He ignore Grimlock because his indicator is green and he remembered he have a revival item.
”Thats right!!i have revival item” he turned his face towards where Giselda died then taking out the revival item from his inventory hurriedly.
”Rebirth Griselda.. plss work.. plss ..” He said in low voice while holding the revival item at his front as if expecting for miracle to happen.