203 Ambrosia Cartel: Part 9 (1/2)

”Commander Grant, how's your day?” Nathan asked Patrick.

”What? Commander Grant? Since when this base became so formal?” Patrick asked because of the sudden culture shock that he got due to the fact he didn't remember that the base had this much personnel. It was one or two people in the base beside the original contractor, but once Patrick took another look, there might be hundreds of new personnel inside of that base.

It was due to the fact that the Hitman team found a headquarter of a terrorist in the middle east and they took all of the personnel there as a new member of the HSDC since they were quite a capable soldier. It was evident by the high level of the combat team that had reached level 10. Lynn walked to Patrick.

”Well. Good news, I guess?” Lynn asked.

”What are you talking about? Of course, it's good news. More personnel equals more money. It's that simple isn't it?” Nathan said.

Patrick just nodded without saying any words. Clara had gone without leaving any traces of her existence. She just disappeared in plain sight as if she was never there. It might be one of the skills that Clara had since she was trained to be a bomb defuser unit which required a certain degree of stealth since being noticed by the enemy while detonating the bomb that the enemy placed equaled death.

Patrick was guided by Nathan while Lynn was guided by Laura. Both of them went in a different direction since those two had a different objective. Lynn's expertise was urban combat while Patrick's expertise was urban hacking combat. His combat style was similar to Alex, but Alex was more reliant on his hacking tool since he didn't like to use weapons when he could. He preferred more big-brained methods to kill the enemy.

The first thing that they saw after the hangar was the armory. The armory was a building which was very big with a lot of guns inside of it. The guns were loaded inside of a locker. Those guns were mostly HK416 since it was the standard-issue assault rifle that the HSDC had. It was no wonder if almost everyone that was stationed here holds an HK416.

The armory was full of people that were just freshly recruited by the hitman team. Some of them were wearing a combat uniform, like those who were defecting from the official army. Nevertheless, they would throw their identity and replaced it with a new one. They wouldn't be bound by their former law or their beliefs. Everyone was fighting for the same cause. They were serving under the commanders.

Patrick continued walking into the base. The next section was the motor pool that was filled with many vehicles. The vehicles that were there were used by the contractors for their long-range operation in the ground. Those vehicles were untouched and still clean. The only vehicle that was dirty was those two tanks that were used by the Hitman team. There were HUMVEEs, Strykers, and MRAPs.

Patrick didn't bother too much about it. His vehicle was the fighter jet so there wasn't anything that caught his interest in particular. He just wanted to tell Stacy and Ryan about the weird encounter with a mysterious squadron that he remembered from one of the games that he played when he was still in school.

The Su-47s squadron that was owned by the Ambrosia cartel. The dialogs that Patrick had heard with the weird squadron was so weird. It was about the king and the new world. The thing that worried him the most was the Panama thingy. Panama was the most suspicious thing that they called.

They eventually arrived at the intel building. The building was now filled with personnel. The secretary desk that was empty last night now was filled with a bulk man from Africa. He was tall and buffed up. His accent was the most noticeable thing from him. That person's accent was very African-ish. However, it didn't make any language barrier for them.