181 Why I Became A Contractor: Part 19 (1/2)

Wednesday, 1st of April 2020. 1400 Hours.

April fool. I hope that I don't get fooled today, well, I didn't even think anyone would bother to fool me. I didn't have any friends after all. All I had was money in my pocket and claymore in my bag.

Well, one person had tried to fool me to go to the bathroom, but I had known that they would probably put a bucket on top of the bathroom door so I didn't even go there.

Well, Farl hadn't pulled another mischievous action on me, yet. Well, Sissy was still silent after the assassination I had done. I would say that nobody would mess around with me anymore.

I packed my bag and went back home. I put the books inside of my bag. I got out of school with my bag on my shoulder. The government agents were still there. Sissy must be very paranoid after what had happened to her. Well, I would let her be, I wouldn't stop until I caught and killed them all.

Suddenly, as I walked, a man in a black suit approached me from behind. As I turned around, he said, ”Mrs. Lynn, can you come with us?”

Suspicious. There was no reason for a government agent to accidentally call me and mentioned my name. I thought this would be one of Sissy's tricks. Well, at this point, I had my phone on the switch mode. I just needed to press the button and I would be in the heavy combat loadout that I had put the other day.

I acknowledged it to make sure that I wasn't involved in anything suspicious. I entered the black sedan that the government agent used for their job. I had no comment for that. I just got into the backseat of that car and the car moved away from my school.

As the car moved away from the school. I noticed that there was a car following us from behind. It was Echo's car. He might know something was wrong and decided to follow me from behind.

I took a peek at the car behind me and I noticed that behind the tinted glass of the car was Echo and Charlie in their full-clad combat gear. Not stopping there, both of them were wearing a very heavy helmet with a ballistic glass. It could be said that both of them were expecting very heavy combat.

”Mrs. McGrath. Madam has a message for you. It said, April fool's.” One of them had duct tape on their hands and the other one was holding a zip tie. I immediately reacted by punching one of them with my bag.

The other person tried to strangle me with their big hands but kicked him right in their balls. One of them pulled their pistol, ”Alright, enough playing, sit down.” He tried scaring me.

I responded by grabbing something from my bag. That something was a claymore that Echo authorized me to use it instead of using another hand grenade. ”Say goodbye.” I pressed the switch button on my phone and pressed the detonator afterward. Fragments were flying around that car and killing all of the occupants except myself.

Someone opened the door of the car. ”You crazy motherfucker.” Echo helped me get out of the car. He pulled me away from that car and sirens could be heard from afar.

It was most likely to be the government agents that were following that car all along. ”Echo, we have company,” Charlie shouted from the car.

Both of us ran to the Chevrolet that was parked right beside the wreckage of the car. I entered the backseat and noticed that something was added to that car. That something was very useful to lose our pursuers. It was Sierra and another thing.

Echo hit the gas of that car hard and he drove away from that car wreckage. Black cats were chasing us from behind. Echo focused on losing them while Sierra was looking at his laptop to look around for something to hack.

”Hi, Sierra,” I said.

”Oh, hi Lima. What a great time to meet isn't it?” Sierra pressed a button on his laptop and the red light in front of us immediately turned green. Echo drove through that green light and Sierra immediately switched the light to read again.

One of the black cars was having a collision with one of the cars in that intersection. However, there were more of them coming from behind and someone had started shooting at us.

”Lima, get me the RPG-30,” Charlie said.

In the back of the car, there were twelve tubes of RPG-30 that were ready to be fired once the safety was pulled off. I threw the tube into Charlie's hands and she pulled the safety of that RPG-30. She lowered the window of the car and shot one of the rockets at them.