122 Time To Move Out: Part 1 (1/2)
Wednesday, 22th Of April 2021. 1000 Hours. Garret High School. Outskirts of capital.
Patrick and the others focused their study for the entire last semester. They didn't take any contract, the just kept studying since they had to catch up with their grades.
It was a usual day. The class was studying math at the moment. All of the students were busy thinking about their assignments. Still, as serious a high school student could be, they weren't that serious at doing their assignment.
Most used Photomath or some sort of calculator to do their assignment. Clara and Lynn were sitting next to each other as usual. Ryan was thinking very hard, and Nathan has done with his work. Patrick only had two questions remaining before he had to submit his work.
”Shaddam, last one, how to do this?” Patrick asked his desk mate.
”Easy, just do this, and this, and then this,” Patrick said as he calculated the last question.
”Oh, I see,” Shaddam said.
Patrick stood up from his desk and walked to the teacher's desk to submit his work. As he walked, Nathan has returned from the teacher's desk and walked back to his table.
Patrick approached the teacher's desk, ”Here you go,” Patrick heard some tire screeching from the school. Patrick put his math book on the table and he took a peek on the window of that classroom.
There were multiple cars outside of his cars. Two of them were technical with a heavy machine gun. Patrick wondered what they were doing there, it didn't take long until he realized that the machine gun was aimed at him.
”GET DOWN!” Shaddam shouted as he tackled Patrick and bullets started flying from the windows. The technicals were shooting .50 BMG at them.
'What in the actual fuck?' Patrick crawled on the ground towards his table. His phone was still on the table. He couldn't change his loadout if he didn't have his phone.
Of course, two black people suddenly appeared in their class. It could be Clara and Lynn as far as Patrick knew, but the sudden appearance of three other contractors wasn't that welcomed by Patrick.
”Shaddam, what the hell is going on?” Patrick asked as he crawled to his table.
”No time, just get out of here quick!” Saddam said as he headed to his desk too. Patrick suspicion was confirmed, Shaddam was a contractor after all of those times.
”What both of you are doing? Get out of here! I'm SWAT,” Alpha said as she pulled Shaddam away and Patrick continued to crawl to his table.
He grabbed his phone from the table and immediately changed into his combat loadout. The PKP was held firmly on his hand and he headed for the window. In there, four people had begun engaging the targets.
”Delta? What are you doing here?” Bravo asked.
”Same question to you,” Patrick said as he continued engaging the targets with his machine gun. Then, they saw more cars were coming in their direction.
”Let me old friend handle this,” Lynn brought her personal anti-materiel rifle, Istiglal IST 14.5. it was a very big two meters long anti-materiel rifle that fired high explosive armor-piercing round.
She started shooting at the engine of any incoming car. The 14.5 mm bullet flew to the engine of the car this disabling it. Clara came with Victor and her Carl Gustav M4.
Clara stood near the window, ”BACKBLAST AREA CLEAR!” Victor shouted.
”Firing firing firing,” Clara pulled the trigger of the recoilless rifle and a round was fired at the oncoming car. The round exploded at a car and killed its occupants.
Bullets kept flying between the contractors and the unknown attackers whose identity was still unknown. The contractors took all of the unknown attackers outside of the school with machine-gun fire and explosives.
”4 people left, Serval, finish it,” Lynn shot the last bullet on her magazine to a car that was heading to the school gate.
”BACKBLAST AREA CLEAR!” Victor loaded another round at the launcher.
”Firing firing firing!” Clara shouted and the last car exploded to tiny bits. The assault had calmed down for now, but the contractors had another problem. Twenty contractors at the same place with a very sudden appearance weren't welcomed personally by each contractor.
”Ladies and gentlemen, let's go and safe the other students,” Echo said, but it was too late. The contractors were starting to be paranoid.
”Let's just solve the important question first. Who are you?” X-ray asked as he aimed his MDR at Echo's head.
”Let's just focus on the important matters first, shall we?” Charlie put the tip of her anti-materiel rifle at X-ray's head.
”Hell no. Who are you? Someone might as well betray us at this point,” Lynn aimed her giant anti-materiel rifle at Charlie's head.
Bravo aimed his M4 at Lynn's head, ”Whoa, slow down!”
”Hey, it ain't funny friend,” Patrick aimed his PKP at Bravo's head.
”What's this?” Alpha aimed her ARX160 to Patrick's head.
Foxtrot and Hotel were aiming their rifle at each other. ”Ok, which one of us will fire weapon first?” Hotel said.