34 The Russians Gambit: Part 10 (1/2)

The Russians were tailed by Lima on the highway. She was tailing them in the motorcycle. However, she wasn't the only one that tailed them. Alpha's car was also tailing them. Her SUV was similar to an unmarked police car so she could skip checkpoints unlike Lima in her motorbike.

Lima: ”Bravo, do you copy?”

Bravo: ”Loud and clear, Lima. I'm here with Alpha as usual. The others are also here.”

Lima: ”Don't shoot them before I told you to.”

Bravo: ”Copy that. Over and out.”

The car that the Spetsnaz used was a black van that didn't have any windows. Her guess? The Spetsnaz was either going to take care of a terrorist or went back to their hideout fully armed. Either way, the contractors were going to kill them.

If her experience taught her something about special forces, killing a special force operator was not about how many of them you could kill. It's more about how many of them you could bring down before you're getting killed.

Luckily, Lima didn't have to face that kind of thing every day, except when she was working abroad. One thing when dealing with special forces was you had to have a technological advantage or anything that could step things up a notch. Fighting special forces without armor was practically suicide.

Bravo: ”We don't have air support this time. Only Juggernaut.”

Lima: ”Nice, who's the lucky guy?”

Bravo: ”Girl actually, Alpha is the juggernaut.”

Lima: ”No shit. Loli-chan is given the juggy?”

Alpha: ”I can hear you loud and clear Lima.”

Lima: ”I'm just joking. Don't take it too seriously.”

Alpha: ”You don't want to be in the receiving end of this M134 minigun Lima.”

Lima: ”I won't, the Russians will.”

Alpha: ”Ok.”

Some might think, how in the goddamn world a 5 feet girl could hold a 19 kg miniguns with 40 kg worth of ammo and 20 kg worth of armor? Well, it was because of the personal skill tree, but it was a story for another day.

They followed that car and the ended up in a house located on the other side of the town. The residential area where Patrick lived was located on the east side of the town while this residential area located in the west of the town.

The house was surrounded by a large yard and had two possible entry points. The backdoor and the front door. The house window was covered with steel. It was a house in a bad neighborhood after all. Lima stopped her bike in front of the house.

Lima: ”We have lost the element of surprise from the start. The house has a perfect 360° coverage. We can't storm the house without alerting the Spetsnaz.”

Hotel: ”Hmm, I have a plan. Care to listen?”