15 Operation Anti-D: Part 9 (1/2)

”Uh, better get my camera ready,” Patrick brought out his phone and opened the camera app and set it to recording mode. He searched from rooms to rooms, but to no avail, he didn't find anything that out of place.

He went upstairs to put his bag when that sound appeared again, ”Now it's too small Alex,” he let go of his perverted thoughts and entered his room.

He turned on his air conditioner and sat down in front of his computer and plugged his phone at that PC. Suddenly, without any authorization, the Armory System app was installed on his PC albeit with a more complex interface. The complex interface changed into a game-like interface.

'What's this?' he said as he scrolled through multiple options that were available.

[Intelligence Agencies Files]

[Allies Files]

[Combat Simulation Training]

He opened the intelligence agencies files and opened the search bar and looked for a specific name, ”Adrian Patrick Grant,” he typed his name and a file from two intelligence units appear. One was from the CIA and the other was from BIN.

Both of them appeared and described him as an ordinary citizen. He glad that his identity as Delta was still unknown.

He opened another option which was the Allies files and it contained the files about the contractors that he had met; Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Hotel, Foxtrot, and Lima. All of them had pictures of them wearing their balaclava to protect their real identity. It wasn't interesting since the information about them wasn't that much and he closed the app.

A door knock could be heard from the door, he approached that door and saw Alex, ”I'm thirsty.”

”Why don't you drink some water?” Patrick scratched his head.

”No, I mean, the other kind of thirsty,” Alex said to him.

”I see,” Patrick closed his door again and lifted up his bed to grab his secret stash. It was a magazine full of that. Well, Shaddam gave it to him, but he didn't like that genre at all. He opened the door again and gave that book to Alex.

”Thanks yo,” Alex said.

”Make sure you wash your hands before you cook ok. I don't want any extra protein on my food,” Patrick closed that door again and sat down on his bed.

His bedroom window was opened and he closed it. He played with his phone afterward. But as he wanted to open his game, another person was knocking on his door again.

He slammed his door and it made a loud bang, ”WHAT NOW?” he then saw who was in front of his door, It was Mrs. Reyes, ”I apologize, ma'am, I didn't see you there.”

She sighed and glared at him, ”You want an F on your math test?” She asked since Helena was a math teacher in that school.

”Ma'am to be honest. Alex, Shaddam, Nathan, and all of the other 11-H students will get the D if we're not fixing the situation soon,” he said at her beloved teacher aka semi step-mother.

”Oh, I'm sorry about it, but there is nothing that I can do for that. What did you guys do by the way?” She asked.

”Someone decided to replace our class flag with Kekistani's flag and changed the school bell to Shadilay,” Patrick answered.