8 Operation Anti-D Part 2 (1/2)

Library, a place where there were a lot of books and a lot of servers. That place was the main place where the school's administration put the main computer server. The one that was left to maintain the server was the librarian or the person who worked in the library as an extracurricular. In this case, it was Lynn and usually, she was helped by Patrick.

Lynn typed logged into the computer. She searched for the students' database.

[User: LibraryAdmin]

[Password: HitlerDidNothingWrong]

Patrick put a bottle of water beside her as she searched through terras of data inside the server, ”Found anything yet?”

”Other than the data of old students that had graduated, no, I'm not finding anything yet,” she said.

Patrick entered the server room. The room was fooled by an air conditioner and the server was stacked on a rack. It was expected because the server needs a lot of cooling, especially if they were operated 24/7. There were multiple lights from Green to red in that room. There was an external hard drive that was lying down on the floor. He picked it up and it had the writing ”Dare Challenge 30/12/2019”.

He came out from the room while holding that hard disk and came to Lynn who was still busy at the computer. He put the hard disk besides the library computer as Lynn was still searching for the damn class 11-B students.

”Let me handle this, go take a rest,” Patrick said as she took off her glasses. She put her hands on her shoulder and looked at him.

Her small black eyeballs, her small red lips, and her beautiful face were facing at him at once, 'Please don't look at me like that. I'm feeling nervous.'

She stood up from that chair and grabbed the harddisk. ”Can I open it?” She waved the harddisk around.

”Sure,” Patrick continued the work of his crush. She wasn't joking when she said that there were lots of 11-B folders. Hell, there were even more than 1000 search results when he used the search bar.

'Holy fuck,' he said as he scrolled into multiple folders of 11-B. 'I feel that this is the main server for all of the school in this entire region,' he said as he opened multiple files and got frustrated just from opening six of those folders. 'I need an alternative method.'

He headed for the attendance list on a file cabinet in the library. He thought for a second, 'Wait a second. Why the hell I opened a computer when I can found the shit here,' he brought out a whole rack and searched for that 11-B files among the other files. He eventually found a white file with writing ”11-B 2020”. He opened that file and he was surprised by how detailed the information was.

'Holy hell, are the school stalking us? I mean they even have their routine on this file,' he said as he opened a paper about a particular student.

'6 AM going to school, has three love interest, known as a Chad, what the fuck? How the hell does the school know this kind of thing?' He put the rack back to the cabinet and put the file in a table in the library. He decided to consult the others via the messaging service.

Patrick: ”Guys, I've found it.”

Shaddam: ”A proof that our teacher is gae?”

Patrick: ”No, I've found the file containing the 11-B students. This shit has everything yo.”

President: ”Nice Nice Nice, so, who's the lucky guy?”

Aveline: ”Jordan Dramian. The guy tried to assault me on my way home. I think he's going to be an easy target.”

President: ”Ok, we have our scapegoat. Does everyone agree with that?”

10 male students: ”Ok, we agree. Go, Patrick, let's kill da harem king.”

Female students: ”I agree.”

Patrick: ”I will contact again soon.”

He brought the files to the table and started reading their lucky person, Jordan Dramian. He was older than him, 17 years old. His posture was 180 cm, he lived in the Southside of the town. He put several photographs and sent them to the class group.

Patrick: ”[20 photos] Here you go. Make the plan works president.”

President: ”Sure thing Patrick.”

Just before he wanted to close his phone. Another message was coming from the Armory System app. It was a message from Lima.

Lima: ”Have you taken another contract?”

Delta/Patrick: ”Not yet. I'm still in my business.”

Lima: ”Take one soon ok. Unless you want someone to exterminate you.”

Delta/Patrick: ”Got that. Thanks.”