99 Impulses (1/2)

- Beneath the Urahara Store -

Tatsuki was looking at the open area with wide open eyes. It was surprising to see such a large hidden area beneath a small shop.

”We will be training here.”

Itsuki's voice bought her out her daze as she saw Itsuki in his Shinigami form.

”Firstly, you need to die.”


Itsuki appeared in front of her and hit her with the butt of his zanpakuto, allowing her soul form to be released from her body. Her main body collapsed while Tatsuki wearing Shinigami clothes appeared. This earned a raised eyebrow from Itsuki as it seemed that it had gone better than expected.


Urahara appeared behind Itsuki as he had his concentration grasped by Tatsuki.

”You made her a Shinigami right of the bat?”

”Took some inspiration with how Ichigo became one.”

Urahara looked impressed as he analysed Tatsuki. The girl was still marvelling at herself seeing her wearing a black Shihakuso. She looked at her arms and spun around as she felt a power surge within her. She never knew what it was, but she felt that she could break that rock in front of her. Fuelled by her impulse, she jumped at it and went for a punch.

Itsuki and Urahara stood next to each other and looked on with interest. Putting one step forward, Tatsuki's eyes sharpened while she grunted, throwing a punch. The result of that was nothing, all that followed was a sharp scream from Tatsuki as she held her aching hand.

Tears threatened to drop as she looked up at Itsuki, who just stoically looked on. No-one could see what he was thinking while Urahara started laughing. Waiting for him to calm down, Itsuki turned to Urahara,

”I'll be borrowing Ururu.”


Itsuki didn't reply as Ururu walked past Itsuki with boxing gloves and a headgear in her hands. After bowing to the two, she stood in front of Tatsuki and bowed,

”Please take care of me.”

Tatsuki was confused as she also bowed in return. Looking at the little girl walking towards her, she offered her the gloves and headgear. Wearing them, she turned to Itsuki who looked back at her,

”Now survive.”


Seeing something at the corner of her eyes, she dodged only to see the little girl fly past her with a kick. She barely had anytime to gather herself when she saw the girl land and immediately attack her. Each punch or kick was enough to create craters wherever they landed.

Tatsuki was holding on with dear life until she was able to get a read on the girl's movements, allowing her to dodge ahead of time. This earned a raised eyebrow from Itsuki as he saw her dodging hits earlier. However, Tatsuki never went for a counterattack as she knew that if she received a punch, broken bones would be the least of her worries. From all her friends, she was the most level-headed.

The game of cat and mouse went on for quite some time until Tatsuki slipped and found herself in the path of one of Ururu's destructive punches. Tatsuki was still falling so she wasn't able to move and Ururu was already mid punch. Tatsuki kept her eyes on the incoming fist until closing it as she felt the force of the punch arrive even before the actual punch itself.

Waiting for the impeding destruction of her face, she just felt a wind breeze by and nothing else. Opening her eyes slowly, she just saw Itsuki standing there while picking Ururu up by her scruff. Ururu just hung there like a cat while letting her limbs fall on either side of her. Tatsuki just gave out a sigh and fell back, hitting her head on a rock. Itsuki placed Ururu to the side and thanked her before letting go.

'I need an Ururu, nah, I have Nel.'

Looking at the girl go away reminded him of the little critter back in Hueco Mundo.

Tatsuki kept on rolling here and there while holding her head. Itsuki waited for her to calm down before asking,

”How's your breathing?”

That's when Tatsuki realised that her breathing was clearer and more stable. Looking back as to how it was made easier, a chill went through her spine. If it was that dangerous just to make her breathe easier, then what would the following training be like. However, before she had further second thoughts in her accepting the training, Itsuki picked her up onto her feet.

Surprised by his actions, Tatsuki felt a bit of heat on her face before shaking those thoughts out of her head.

”You're quite heavy.”


Tatsuki felt shocked throughout her body as she felt the heat returning to her face. Seeing the stoic look on Itsuki's face, she didn't think he was lying. Itsuki didn't clarify further as he pulled out a sword. It was a normal looking katana with a simple black handle and sheath.

”Here. Keep it with you at all times, it is now your companion through life and death.”

Itsuki threw the katana at Tatsuki while a pair of small voices was heard within his head.

”Companion through life and death he says. What companions, he barely talks to us.”

Itsuki could almost picture Byakko nodding at Ryurai's words. Sighing lightly, he started to subtly pat his two swords receiving a purr in return with Ryurai's voice accompanying it,

”We'll forgive you this time.”

Itsuki's attention was brought back to Tatsuki who was looking at her sword and holding it to her chest.

”Don't worry about it anyone seeing it, it will only appear in this form.”

Tatsuki nodded as she looked at Itsuki.

”Well this is it for now, come back tomorrow, that's when your official training starts and remember don't tell anyone. Ok?”
