81 Soi Fons insecurities (1/2)

Ichinose left a gobsmacked Baishin to think about his decision. Upon putting his groceries away, he looked towards Baishin and silently waited for an answer. Baishin was still digesting what he heard as a myriad of thoughts flew around his head. Determination flashed through his eyes as he looked back at Ichinose.

”I'll join him in his future endeavours.”

'Endeavours? Quite the weird way of speaking.'


This brought Ichinose out of his thoughts,

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”…may I please get to know of the one we have chosen to follow.”

Ignoring the way Baishin spoke Ichinose replied,

”He's the current 2nd division captain and the Captain-Commander's student, Minamoto Itsuki.”

Baishin didn't care what division's captain he was as he had already killed two captains, but what attracted his attention was the second part.

'Captain-Commander Genryusai-dono's student, no wonder he is such a monster.'

While Baishin was in his thoughts, Itsuki was taking a stroll next to the river with Rangiku. Seeing the two chatting happily with the sun setting behind them creating a picturesque scene of harmony.

”Oh yeah, what were you trying to say when you were being constantly interrupted?”

Remembering the constant interruptions brought Itsuki's mood down a notch when he tried remembering that event.

”No point now.”

Rangiku pouted,

”Come on, tell me”

Itsuki just shook his head and carried on walking. Seeing Itsuki's dampened mood, Rangiku smiled slightly and grabbed his shoulder turning around. Leaning in, she planted her lips on Itsuki as his eyes widened in surprise. This didn't last long as Itsuki reciprocated the kiss and brought her closer by grabbing her waist with one hand and grasping her cheek with the other. Seeing Rangiku's slight blush beneath her hazy eyes and feeling the two mounds touching his chest, lit a fire within Itsuki as he picked her into a princess carry.


Rangiku let out a welp and hurriedly grabbed Itsuki's neck. Reading his intentions, Rangiku buried her head into Itsuki's chest as a heavy blush reached her ears. Itsuki then took off, jumping from building to building.

'Urahara did increase the specs of this gigai by a huge margin. Also, I should really get my own place.'

- Ahem -

Itsuki felt pure happiness after seeing the blissful smile on the sleeping Rangiku.


Turning around, he saw where the sound originated from. Yoruichi was standing there, arms crossed and a pout in her face. Itsuki found the current Yoruichi extremely cute.

”We didn't do this on our date yesterday.”

Walking towards Itsuki, she started stripping each garment off one by one, once more causing a fire to be lit within Itsuki.

- Ahem -

Calming his breath, Itsuki looked towards the ceiling as he felt the two girls snuggle into his arms. Itsuki could hear Yoruichi purring a little while Rangiku gave out a slight moan with her mouth closed.

A sigh left his mouth as he got up, out of the embrace of the two beauties, albeit reluctantly. Putting on his blue yukata he grabbed an elegant Kiseru, a traditional Japanese smoking pipe. It was intricately designed with beautiful patterns and was finished by a rare metal. It was a present given by the three girls.

Itsuki liked it immediately as he laid back on the rooftop of the Urahara store. Blowing out smoke, he held the pipe with his right hand, put his left hand behind his head and crossed his right leg on top of his bent left one.

Looking at the stars, Itsuki felt a certain serenity as various plans and possible outcomes flashed through his head. What he was going to do would not just make him the enemy of the Gotei 13, but the whole of soul society. Those hidden figures, the zero squad would all turn against him and he didn't want any of his close one to be hurt.

He knew that it was a pipe dream to keep them safe and do what he wanted to do but he needed to make the correct plan. But he was still only one person, he needed allies and subordinates. One of the reasons why he recruited Ichinose Maki and Baishin. Thinking of allies his thoughts slowly strayed towards his and Aizen's talk,

”Itsuki, knowing your capabilities, you would have already started forming a plan, want to make a bet?”