46 Unexpected Encounter (1/2)

Ginrei walked up to the downtrodden Byakuya as he picked his sword up to him.

”Grandfather, I lost”

”You did indeed. Quite pathetically”

Ginrei sniggered while looking at Byakuya. In front of others, he would have an apathetic front, typical of a member of a noble family, while in front of Byakuya he would become a doting grandfather.


Byakuya was shocked by his grandfather's merciless comments. As if not noticing Byakuya, Ginrei continued,

”I didn't even see his sword; it was too fast”

Sighing lightly Ginrei looked at Byakuya

”You barely moved your sword before it was thrown out of your hand. You didn't even take a step”

The more Ginrei talked the more Byakuya got embarrassed. Trying to refute his grandfather he turned to him

”But how can the were-cat have such a subord…eh?”

As if catching something he looked at his grandfather,

”Grandfather didn't see his sword?”

In Byakuya's eyes, his grandfather was a strong individual, he was the captain of the 6th division for hell's sake. Yet for his grandfather to not see that sword meant that in terms of pure swordsmanship that youth was probably above him.

”Who was he?”

”The 3rd Seat of the 2nd Division, Minamoto Itsuki…”

'Minamoto Itsuki, where have I heard that name?'

”…also the personal… wait you don't need to know that”

Hearing this Byakuya was curious at what his grandfather wanted to say but later just ignored it. If his grandfather didn't want to tell him then he won't force him.

'I need to defeat him the next time I see him'

Clenching his fist, determination flashed through his eyes as he picked up his sword.

”I'll go back to training, Grandfather”

'That strike, I'll be able to overcome it.'

Remembering that strike just enhanced his determination as he went back to training.

Ginrei made his leave while giving one last look at his grandson.

A servant glanced up only to look shocked as she looked back down.

'The head is actually smiling. Did the sun rise from the west today?'

Itsuki was oblivious to what was happening, however, currently he had troubles of his own.

”You went easy on him, didn't you?”

Yoruichi's questioning face was right up to him as she interrogated Itsuki. Feeling Yoruichi's breath, Itsuki retained his calm while replying

”You told me to destroy him, so I did”

Seeing Itsuki so calm she felt irked for some reason. With a playful smile adorning her lips, she pushed her breasts against him.

”Itsuki, want to visit the hot spring to have a more thorough discussion”

Emphasising the 'thorough' Yoruichi looked on with a hopeful look in her eyes. Itsuki looked towards her and inched closer. A pair of gold eyes and a pair of ice blue eyes were inches apart



”I've got work”


”I'll be leaving now”

Seeing Yoruichi's flustered face Itsuki gave out smile as he shunpoed away. Yoruichi stood there for a daze, before realising she got played with.

”That brat…”

She also shunpoed away but to a different direction. Her voice was filled with annoyance, yet a happy smile was present on her face as she left.

After this episode, the interactions between the two increased until Itsuki would regularly take bath in the hot spring with Yoruichi. At first, he tried having it in his own personal bathroom, but she would just intrude and join him. So, to avoid getting found out by anyone, Itsuki decided to just use the hot spring.

Although they were able to hide it, there was one person that was getting increasingly suspicious by the way the acted around each other. So said person once tried following both of them in turns but always turned up empty-handed.

”One day, she will find out about us”

Itsuki told Yoruichi as he relaxed.

”Yeah, who expected Soi Fon to have such a strong nose”

Yoruichi who was in her human form replied. At first, she was only teasing Itsuki with this form. That however soon became boring as apart from the first time, she wasn't able to get him flustered like that.

'It seemed that it was only due to surprise that the first time worked'

She did take her chances now and then but it all just seemed like an excuse to get close to him.

Itsuki looked at her and knew what she was feeling. He felt like he was just leading the girls on with him acting like this. These feelings further intensified whenever he met with Rangiku or his interactions with Yoruichi such as now. He got the faint feeling whenever he met with Soi Fon as he met with Soi Fon. Those meetings wouldn't last for long as whenever they were in close proximity with each other, she would get all flustered and do some stupid mistake.