42 Reverse London 4 (1/2)
”So, it seems that this was there plan all along, did you get that?”
”I asked did you get that”
”I sai…”
Soi Fon furiously turned around only to see Itsuki nodding.
”Wha…I want a reply not a nod”
Itsuki just looked at her and turned his head to the side, clearly ignoring her. Seeing this Soi Fon just stomped her foot while gritting her teeth.
'Wha… why is he ignoring'
Not knowing the reason, a weird feeling arose within Soi Fon along with another thought
'What is he thinking?'
In truth only one thought was going through his head at the moment
'I should stay quiet for some time to make up for how much I talked. Mmhmm. Balance it out'
Giving himself a mental nod, he turned the Onmitsukido members and gave another nod while also giving one to Noel and Ninii. Confusion was written on their face as they weren't clear to what he was implying. What followed after was him using Shunpo to come next to Noel, pick her up from the neck like a cat, and Shunpo away.
”I think he wants us to follow him”
An Onmitsukido member said uncertainly. Soi Fon was irritated by Itsuki's current actions and vented it out on the floor. Turning to Ninii she shouted,
”Hurry and show us the way”
”Y-yes ma'am!”
As they left, a droplet of blood fell from the broken side of the floor as if it was crying. Ah, the miseries of being a floor, being stepped on, on a day to day basis, yet when it gets destroyed, it won't be fixed immediately but rather, after a period of venting, only then would it be fixed.
A distance away Itsuki had suddenly stopped and turned Noel to face him. He said nothing, he was still on his silent strike. Noel just looked back at Itsuki and the period of silence continued with Noel getting increasingly uncomfortable. No matter how handsome the opposite party was, it was still uncomfortable to get stared at with such intensity. Realising that focusing intently won't make her realise his intentions he got his other hand to point in various directions with the look 'where'.
Realisation hit Noel's face as she clenched her right hand and smacked it down onto her left palm like striking a hammer.
”Oh! You want directions”
Itsuki nodded
”It's that way”
With Noel acting like a human satnav, it wasn't long until Itsuki arrived at the destination. What he came across was a lather large tattered barn, probably the size of a football field. It seemed to have been years since it was last visited or cleaned. Itsuki never entered and waited for the rest to arrive.
Surprisingly, it wasn't Soi Fon and them but rather Yoruichi who had arrived.
”It seems you're already here, Itsuki”
”Yes, captain”
'Ah, he started talking again'
”We'll wait for Soi Fon and the others to arrive before infiltrating”
Itsuki nodded once more as he let Noel down and rubbed his neck, he was tired from all the nodding.
Sometime later, Soi Fon arrived and wait straight to Yoruichi.
While she did this, she gave a hateful glare towards Itsuki. This didn't go unnoticed by Yoruichi as she bought her hand to her mouth,
”Oho, it seems Itsuki has been bullying our little Soi Fon”
”Wha…no…can we please focus on the mission Yoruichi-Sama”
Soi Fon tried averting the topic as Itsuki just quietly listened. With their not being enough time, Yoruichi decided to keep the teasing for later and turned towards her team.
”I've found out that the head plans on using the material of the first ever dark dragon to help him.We don't know how but all the investigations point towards this. We are on our own and there won't be enough time to call reinforcements from back home so it's just us. I'll take the lead and kill on sight, no survivors, well try to keep the head alive”
”Then let's move”
Entering the barn, they came across a bunch of farming tools, not the usual size but large ones. There were also some weird ones as Soi Fon picked a weird looking shear.
”What's this”
Noel who was next to her looked at it and told Soi Fon,