24 Training (1/2)

”Did you hear, the captain commander took Minamoto as his student”


”The captain commander...”

These were the talks Rangiku could hear around the academy. It was all about Itsuki becoming Yamamoto's student.

It's been a month since the incident in the real world and Itsuki had completely healed. Rangiku could barely see him unless it was during class or he came to meet their group of friends. At first Yamamoto used to come to Itsuki to train him as it was relatively quiet place and no other student came to train in that particular area. One day, however, a student passing by noticed them and the news got out.

Itsuki wondered how the student escaped Yamamoto's senses but realised that he never cared in the first place. So, from then on, more and more students came to see until it became a hassle for Itsuki to train there.

Realising that they won't get any piece of quiet, Itsuki was transferred to the 1st division HQ where he could continue to train. Although he was still required to attend classes, Itsuki came in late and left the earliest to avoid the pestering students. He did, however, try to spend time with his friends. Being transferred to the 1st division meant that Gin didn't have a roommate, so the academy assigned a new roommate to him. Surprisingly it was the big lad that called him a 'stuck up'.

His name was Amamaki Ketaro. He was very nervous as all the students knew the small group of friends, especially because of Itsuki and Rangiku. What surprised him though was that everyone in the group was very welcoming. Very quickly he became part of the group, mainly due to Gin and Rangiku being more outgoing. Yuroe was shy like always and Itsuki was rarely with them, most likely training, but if he was, then he would barely talk.

Rangiku was worried for Itsuki because sometimes, when she was with him, he would be really exhausted. Although he didn't show it, his eyes gave it away. She knew that she couldn't currently help him, all she could do was just pray for him. She hated this feeling of uselessness.

'I know I can't catch up to you, but I at least want to provide some sort of support'

Gin and Itsuki had both applied for an early graduation and she didn't want to lose out. She picked up her wooden sword and got back to sparring with her fellow students.

While this was happening, Gin was in his own training grounds doing his own training.

”Shoot to kill, Shinso”

Skewering targets, Gin started to slash with the blade extended creating havoc.

'I will get stronger'

Looking at the destruction around Gin, students passing by retreated in fear while silently muttering,


Gin got up tired, his narrowed eyes covering his intentions

1st Division HQ, Training Grounds

Rangiku's worries were not unfounded as, currently, Itsuki was surrounded by a dozen Shinigami. Not students, actual Shinigami. They were members of the 1st division and were currently training Itsuki.

Itsuki had two wooden swords either side of him, holding one in a back handed grip with his left hand, while the Shinigamis had the same wooden sword holding different stances.

There was currently a deadlock as Itsuki analysed his opponents. Hundreds of situations played out in his head all depending on who made the first move. One Shinigami behind him suddenly moved with an overhead strike causing Itsuki to turn around and block with his right sword. This was some sort of signal as all the other Shinigami moved to attack. Moving back, he dodged another sword strike and swept his left sword attacking the guts of the attacker. Using pure Hoho and swordsmanship he interlaced thorough the Shinigami, taking them down using the two-step method. Using one step to attack taking down one Shinigami, he was already in his second step in the midst of attacking as he prepared for his next victim.

Down the line, Hiten mitsurugi-ryu allowed its wielders to achieve Godspeed, with the opponents unable to see the sword strike caused by the practitioner. This, in the end, was from human standards. Itsuki had already achieved that and even surpassed it considerably moving at that speed but still had not fully mastered the technique. Only a couple practitioners had surpassed the Godspeed limit, but they had years of experience and mastered the technique, they, however, were ultimately human.