20 Shikai (1/2)

Itsuki carried on hunting hollows. Although he had a faint feeling of something not being right, he brushed off this feeling and got back what he was doing. Each time he fought he tried out many ideas which he couldn't do at the academy as he slowly got used to a hollow's fighting pattern. Each hollow was unique, but they all had a similar trait in fighting. They took advantage of their body, if they were small, they were fast or if they were big then they were tough. Although this was a vague concept it was quite close to the truth. However, there were still some hollows that had some sort of special ability.

Like the one Itsuki was facing now. Acid could be seen dripping from his fingers as Itsuki confronted the Hollow. Dodging his attacks, Itsuki looked for ways to take it down in the most efficient manner. There was only one. Dodging an attack, Itsuki quickly drew his sword as he activated his eyes. Seeing the death lines, Itsuki slashed at the Hollow, only to completely end up missing the intended target. His sword instead slashed across his chest, not digging to deep.

Although he had trained his eyes, it was either on idle targets or small projectiles, not on anything too big or on an active target. There were too many things to take into consideration when attacking a living target.

Itsuki, however, did not lose composure as he continued looking for chances. Noticing the hollow about to retaliate he quickly backed up and waited for a chance to counter attack only to see the hollow backing up. A gruesome slash wound could be seen on the hollows chest as it prepared something big. Gurgling sound came from its throat while a bad feeling crept into Itsuki's heart.

Itsuki immediately dodged to the side as a massive acidic spit landed where he was previously standing. The acidic spit started to dissolve the ground at a considerable rate as the hollow turned towards Itsuki. Noticing the hollow charging at him, Itsuki quickly got into the Iaido stance. This time Itsuki concentrated on the hollow's line of death rather than just glancing at it. Doing this proved to be quite effective as the Hollow suddenly stopped with fear flashing through its eyes

”Hiten mitsurugi-ryu, Soryusen (Twin Dragon Flash)”

Itsuki quickly drew his sword and slashed through its line of death, his scabbard followed after, landing squarely on its chest pushing its back.

The hollow gave one last scream before collapsing and disappearing into a myriad of particles.

It wasn't a hard fight, it was just getting accustomed to fighting Hollows and learning how to use Hiten mitsurugi-ryu with non-human creatures

The sword style, in the end was made to battle other humans not hollows. Itsuki needed the sword style to suit him more so he was still adjusting it, so it was comfortable to use.

'Still, how did a mid-class hollow get into the designated training area'

This was the second genuine hollow Itsuki had encountered and something wasn't right.

Shiba Aiko, who was watching Itsuki, also felt quite suspicious. Trying to sense her peer's reiatsu, she came to a shocking discovery. Using Shunpo, she quickly made her way to the nearest guard post. Searching around she found nothing, apart from blood on the walls and pieces of the school uniform here and there. Looking through a few guard posts, she found the same thing. While she was searching, an extremely loud hollow scream was heard accompanied with the scream of the first years.

Quickly making her way towards the scream, she came across a group of first years running away while some of her peers confronted a gigantic hollow while more were showing up.

Bodies could be seen blanketing the ground as more piled up.

Itsuki arrived some time later and saw Gin confronting a mid-class hollow while Rangiku and Yuroe tag teaming another one.

It seemed as if the former could handle it while the latter were starting to lose ground. Itsuki immediately fired off a kido to support them,

”Bakudo #4. Hainawa”

A golden rope created by reiatsu was discharged from Itsuki's hand as it tied around the hollow's limbs. Rangiku took this chance to stab the mask of the hollow, effectively purifying it.

While this was happening, more and more hollows were surrounding the area. Shiba Aiko noticed this and immediately tried to send a distress signal to Soul Society however, for some reason, never worked. Noticing that they were trapped, Shiba Aiko, quickly ordered the retreat of the first years while her peers stayed behind.

Sadly, there were only around 5 of them that survived the sneak attack and were currently holding off a few hollows. The situation was dire.

Itsuki joined the front lines and easily took care of a few mid-grade hollows. This time he went in just for the kill and with his speed, he racked up quite a few kills. He restrained from using kido as it would use up too much reiatsu in the long run. He continuously killed hollows as they flocked towards him like moths to a flame. Slowly his mastery of Hiten mitsurugi-ryu progressed to higher levels. This was, in a way, the sword style's home, where it was meant to be and the situation where it should be used. One against many enemies. Itsuki never stopped killing as he started to take only one strike to kill one mid-class hollow. A smile slowly started to appear on his face at this one-sided slaughter. His blood started boiling as he got more and more excited with the feeling of battle.

This went on for quite a while until there were only him, Gin, Shiba Aiko and another sixth year left standing. All the other first years had retreated while the group was confronting the attacking hollows. The group of four could be seen surrounded on all four sides as they panted for breath.

”Still no response from soul society?” Questioned the sixth year,