78 Extra Helping Hands (1/2)
'Dammit! I didn't expect that he would actually asked us to work for him at looting supplies and rescuing survivors!' Prince Ashton and Brock both had the same thoughts as they cursed in their minds.
Thinking that they are actually helping a possible enemy in the future to amass a force and food made them bitterly smile to themselves.
”*Sigh*” Prince Ashton let out a breath and then started picking up packed cup noodles, sugars, salts, peppers, etc. Nothing was left behind as they went back and forth between an eight wheeler silver colored cargo truck and the grocery store while they are helping Leo help loot supplies, Leo was instead standing outside keeping a lookout while lazily yawning and would kill some zombies from time to time if they get near them.
'Hehe, fools. I'll worked you guys to death before we arrived back at the camp!' Leo had his back turned towards them so they can't his huge silly smile plastered on his face.
'I didn't expect that there would actually be a time where I would order around a Prince, much less a prince from the Royal Family' Leo laughingly thought.
”Mister, we're done here”
The voice Prince Ashton sounded behind Leo and when turned to looked back at him, Leo noticed the scowl on Prince Ashton's face, the face of a girlfriend who felt somewhat wronged.
Leo smirked and thought, 'Ohh, I just wonder what your faces would look like when you found out the person you're looking for is actually me, Kyahaha~!”
Seeing Leo's smirking at him made Prince Ashton uncomfortable, 'Shit! Don't tell me this person is into men!?'
”Come on! To our next stop!” Leo said as he hopped on, on his bike. Following that, the soldiers immediately got on in their own vehicles while Brock drove the cargo truck along with Prince Ashton as they followed behind Leo.
Surprisingly for them, every road that Leo choose would be deserted with no zombies in sight but would have abandoned vehicles instead blocking the road where they would be forced to come down from their vehicles and pushed the abandoned vehicles aside, just enough to have a clear road towards the other side of the road while sometimes the road would have sparse zombies that does not pose any threat.
'I'm really thankful that I have a real time map as part of the system that I could avoid the places packed with zombies. Of course, I don't mind killing them but it takes too much time doing it' Leo thought while driving and he would check the map from the upper corner of his eyes if there are any changes, like a mutated zombie charging towards them.
Leo and his so called group are currently moving through a gated community where Leo saw that there are a lot of survivors inside some of the houses, he even saw someone watching them from a window but when they saw that Leo noticed them, they would immediately pull back curtains as they are clearly afraid.
”Stop!” Leo stepped on the brake while raising his hand as he stopped as the others also slowly came into a halt.
Leo got off from his bike while Prince Ashton and Brock slowly came over to Leo and the other soldiers also got down from their vehicles and immediately surrounded it to prevent from suddenly getting ambush.
”Why did we stop?” Prince Ashton asked while cautiously watching his surroundings.
”There are survivors inside those houses, send your men and asked them if they are willing to follow ”me” to a safe place” Leo said while pointing to the houses that have people inside while specifically referring to himself if the survivors decides to come with them.
Brock was curious on how he even knew there are people inside but didn't bother to asked as he just regarded it as probably one of his abilities as mutant and then ordered his men to do what Leo asked after getting the the go signal from the Prince.
”But don't force them” Leo added when the soldiers passed by him and the soldiers just nodded as slowly walked over to the houses that Leo pointed in groups of two.
While Prince Ashton instead walked back at the truck they were on earlier and took out a packed sandwich called Sainsbury's Chicken Salad Sandwich and started eating it as he walked back towards Leo.
”What should we do!? I repeatedly told you to stay away from the windows if there are outsiders here but you didn't listen and now, there are armed people coming over to our house!” a middle aged woman who has light blonde started panicking as she started pacing back and forth in a bedroom.
”R-relax, I'll take care of it” her husband stuttered and tried to show a tough front as he picked up a golf club and started cautiously walking downstairs.
”W-wait for me!” the woman panicked when she realized that she was all alone in the room and hastily ran up to her husband downstairs.
Outside of the house, two soldiers walked towards the front door and one of them knock.
Knock~ Knock~
”We are the personal guards of Prince Ashton of the Royal Family” the soldier who knocked said and then he added, ”We are here to rescue survivors like you and escort you to a safe place. Please open your door if you're willing to come with us, you guys only have a minute to decide and after that, we would immediately leave” after he said those words, silenced reigned as no one answered.
”Was that okay?” the man turned to his companion and asked in a low voice.
”Don't look at me, I don't know but you sounded like a salesman though so I think....it's passable?” his companion replied as he wasn't sure about it too.