61 Isll Shoot Someone (2/2)
A middle aged that had been silent up until now walked towards the bag full of supplies.
”What are you doing dear?” the woman, who is clearly his wife asked worriedly.
”Just taking some food” the man replied and rummaged inside the bag, taking food just enough for his family of four.
The man handed the breads, biscuits and water to his family.
The man then took his share and while standing up, he looked at his fellow survivors and said with a resolute tone, ”I don't care if this people are bad or not but me and my family will follow them once they are back. I don't care if they are truly from the army or just lying about it but we will go with just as long as they can feed me and my family. I'm sorry father.” he apologized to the priest and then sat beside his wife and kids and started gorging on the bread on his hands not caring of what he looks right now.
The rest looked at each other when they heard him and then greedily looked at the food on the bag.
”It's fine because sister and I also decided to follow them after they come back and for the rest of you. It's would you own decision to come with us or not” the priest looked at the people around the room and smiled, ”What are you guys waiting for? Go and get your share of food”
The people were surprised a bit when they heard his decision but ignored it immediately when they heard about the food and hurriedly flocked around the bag full of it when they heard him.
”Can they really be trusted father? All of them are armed, especially the man who has a huge sword with him. He's a bit scary” the nun softly whispered at the priest's ear.
”A bit scary but they are our highest chance of surviving in this era of chaos now. May God bless us all” the priest said while doing a cross sign with his fingers.
Leo and his companions finally arrived near their destination.
The camp that Dan mentioned that they erected with the mayor and the folks that manage to survive.
Standing on a house balcony, Leo and the girls are looking at the direction of a walled camp made from tall galvanized roof with wall guards probably standing on a wooden stand as they not moving that much at all and are just looking around with their heads outside the walls.
”What do you guys think?” Leo asked the people beside him as he handed them the binoculars on his hand.
”They doesn't seem like police officers” Amanda said.
Michelle pulled her hair behind her ear and look through the binoculars, ”More like biker gangs to me”
”Probably a change of leadership, that's probably the reason why we haven't heard from him for a long time” Aria said why tapping her handgun on her right thigh.
”Should we go check it out then?” Leo said as he walked back inside the room from where they are and started eating on the couch.
Michelle followed him inside and stood in front of him, ”Are you sure? Those people are like armed”
Leo was munching on a sandwich that his Mom made for him before they left, ”*Munch* We'll, we're the one *munch* that have a guns and they are only *munch* armed with cold weapons. So, yeah. *Munch* we'll still go”
”Look at us, you have three beautiful women accompanying you and that's like inviting trouble if we go in there and mind you, I wouldn't hesitate to shoot someone if they mess with me” Michelle told him with a resolute and a bit cold of a tone before she also started eating her own food and snuggled beside Leo while Aria and Amanda are still at the balcony looking at their surroundings.
'Well, ain't that better? At least I wouldn't have to worry if there are guys hovering around you two' Leo though as he just continued eating in silence.