45 Strike! Sword Quake! (2/2)
Of course, all of these things happened in the span of only ten seconds from when Leo flew across the air to the time he landed and healed himself.
”Damn, I thought I was gonna back there” Leo said complaining as he patted the dust off from his body.
Leo then slowly walked up towards the clearing where he already saw Alex holding back while fighting the ”big guy”.
”Alright, let me try this new skill that I got then” Leo said as he sprinted towards the mutated boar that sent him flying earlier.
Halfway through, Leo suddenly jumped into the air towards the monster with a posture like he was holding a weapon above him.
”Sword” Leo said with a serious look and then suddenly a three meter huge sword made of fire appeared on his hands as it emitted a scorching heat on its surroundings.
”Quake!” as he said that word, Leo suddenly somersaulted sideways as the ray of flaming sword trailed behind and then,
The sword struck from above as it cleanly cleave through the mutated boss's head and the flaming sword only stop when it collided against the ground and it generated a massive shockwave of heat around a hundred meters from Leo's location as dust and massive ground debris flew everywhere while the trees around them continuously swayed hard along the wind like it would suddenly snap any second now and with the leaves dance along in the air like a hurricane suddenly struck out of nowhere then just disappeared after that.
”Ohhhly shit! We're gonna die!” someone was yelling hysterically.
”Just f*cking hold on! Gahh! It's so f*cking hot! What the heck was that!?”
”It's that sword that looks like it was covered in fire that boss was holding earlier! Damn, damn, damn, my skin's in pain like a thousand ants are freaking having a bite at me!”
The effect at least lasted for a few seconds before everything returned to normal.
As the dust was slowly getting cleared off and on ground just a few meters away from where Leo killed the mutated boar is,he can be seen lying on the wrecked ground with his armor with his arms and legs spread open.
Suddenly, the armor slowly disappeared from his body and his face covered in dust was plastered with look of bewilderment and shocked mixed with a bit of fear.
”I almost freaking died! Haa..good thing I was able to equipped my armor in time” Leo suddenly sat straight up and cursed with anger as he held his face, still remembering what happened the moment the flaming sword struck the ground.
”I won't ever use that skill again unless necessary” Leo was shaking his head.
At that moment the sword struck the ground Leo saw the ground in front of him suddenly cracked into square pieces measuring almost one meter that flew everywhere around him bringing with it pieces of red and white flesh and if wasn't for him equipping he's armor in time then he would have been heavily injured or maybe even dead by now, even with his improved constitution.
Suddenly, just a few meters away from him was a shadow slowly walking towards him as that shadow was dragging a massive thing and when the dust around that person cleared. It was actually Alex who was covered in dust with his clothes tattered into pieces, dragging the still alive and struggling boar behind him.
And even this Android had a surprised look on his face while looking at Leo as ”it” probably never expected that Leo's attack would generate a massive shockwave that it even sent him flying through the air for a good meters away.
Sadly, the trees nearest to them was uprooted with some even slanted sideways along with the destroyed trees cause by the fight earlier before Leo's attack.
Then suddenly Leo started laughing loudly, full of happiness ”Hahahahaha~!”
It was because the long awaited level finally appeared in front of him.
[You have slain a Level 15 Mutated Beast! Level up +2!]
[Your summon, Alex has killed six mutated beast granting you another level up!]
[You're now Level 10!]
[You're now Level 11!]
[You're now Level 12!]
[Congratulations to host for achieving the threshold Level 10! Sending Level 10 Reward!]
[Calculating Reward…..]
[The host was able to kill a monster beyond him his strength. Recalculating an appropriate reward for host]
[Sending Reward….]
[Host has successfully received…...]