33 Rescue Mission Again? (1/2)

One hour later…

”Is that all of them?” Leo asked with a bit of a pale face as put his weapon back.

Dylan jumped off from the tank, pale and covered in sweat followed by Alex who didn't even break a sweat and said ”More of less a quarter of the entire zombies in the city sir”

Leo agreed as he also checked his map and he saw that there are still a lot of them wondering around the city but they are slowing drawing near them.

Leo then looked at the new addition for the camp, the three soldiers, Dylan and his group are looking at something with pale faces, all of them are even vomiting on the ground except for the three former soldiers and Olivia whose eyes are being covered by her brother Jacob who also avoided seeing what's in front of them, he shook his head and bitterly smiled while he thought ”Well, even I feel uncomfortable seeing it”

What Leo was talking about was the couple of small hill created by the zombie wave earlier. Even though they are zombies who died, in their eyes they are still human corpses who just got infected and Leo didn't know if the should be feeling right now.

”You guys done? We need get away from here” Leo said.

They force themselves not to look at the scene in front of them but sadly they can't help but to glance at it from time to time, which made them grimace as they tried to hold themselves off from vomiting.

”Come on! You'll get used to it sooner or later cause if you don't you will probably not have the appetite to eat for a few days” Leo urge them in a stern voice before he laughed it off at the end.

”Dylan, go back with the others” Leo said as Dylan gave a weak nod before hurrying back and joined the rest inside his car.

”You three, ride on top of the tank for the time being” Leo pointed at Isaac and the other two soldiers.

””Yes Sir!”” they said at the same time but Leo shook his head when he heard what they said.

”Alex, what's the status of the tank?” Leo turned to Alex and asked.

”Out of the two thousand cannon shells, there's only nine hundred seventy three left and sixty seven thousand seven hundred eight left out of the one hundred thousand bullets for the turret and the Scorpion Tank status is all green but it won't be able to fire for half an hour or the barrel will be damage, Commander” Alex reported respectfully.

”Hmm..that's to be expected if it was the tank today, it would have already collapse from its continuous usage of over one thousand cannon shells for hours non-stop” Leo nodded in understanding.

”But it's still driveable, right?”

”Yes, sir”

”Good, Isaac!” Leo nodded then called out to Isaac.

Isaac immediately jumped down from the tank and hastily walked towards Leo.

”Si-Boss!” Isaac was about to say 'sir' but immediately changed it when he saw Leo's face who looks uncomfortable being called sir. Leo is also a bit annoyed at Alex as he keeps calling him sir but sadly he can't change how Alex addresses him as it was firmly imprinted on his protocols to call him like that.

”I heard earlier that the reason you and the other two is to find your families, correct?” even though Leo already heard it earlier even from a distance because of his very sensitive hearing, he still asked him for confirmation.

”Yes Boss!” Isaac answered with anticipation in his voice.

”Hmm..now that we're still here. We'll go look for your families and the rest too” Leo said as he patted his shoulders.