23 Worries (1/2)

Stronghold Camp, United Kingdom. Six minutes earlier.

It was pretty peaceful inside the camp and with the protection of the walls, they felt very safe.

Everyone is doing chores assigned to them by Leo's mom, she practically took the temporary role of a leader in her son's absence.

Inside the Kitchen of Main Hall, Amanda and Michelle are discussing something in low voices.

”Do you think Leo and the others will be fine?” Amanda asked Michelle as both of them prepared food for dinner later. Fortunately, even though both of them are fashionista. They at least know how to prepare food even before all of these zombies epidemic happened.

”I'm not really worried about Leo, you already saw how he easily destroyed those 'things'. What I'm worried about is my dad instead, he's already old now. I hope nothing happens to him” Michelle said in a worried tone.

”Uncle Tom is still strong despite his age so cheer up and with Leo there, I'm pretty sure that he won't let them get into harm's way” Amanda smiled as she Michelle's back trying to comfort him.

”Is my brother really that good at fighting those zombies?” suddenly a woman's voice sounded behind them which made both women startled.

”Ah! Aria! We have told you this many times already but yes your brother is really great and valiant and with his cool looking armor. He looks like a knight that came from the distant future” Amanda said to her with shining eyes, with a face of infatuation and full of love while Michelle repeatedly nodded on the side, who also had the same expression like Amanda.

Watching the expression of both these women who certainly fell into the abyss of love made Aria's beautiful face twitch with a dark look. After all, Amanda and her group just appeared out of nowhere from a portal that suddenly appeared in the middle of the stronghold which shocked her and her parents, especially when they saw people coming out from it and when they asked who they are. They were shocked to find out that they actually came from the distant US and was sent here by Leo through a device they called Portal Stone.

The first meeting made the two groups vigilant with each other especially when Amanda and the rest saw the rifle being always carried around by Leo's father but because they were pretty much the only people around, they really didn't have any choice as they slowly got to know each other especially when talks about Leo is being discuss and in next to no time, the awkwardness around them slowly disappeared especially the three mothers as they got along with each other so fast.

Aria was just about to open her mouth when they suddenly heard a commotion outside. The three girls looked at each other before they dropped everything they were doing and hastily ran outside.

They just left the Main Hall but immediately saw a portal appearing in the middle of a vacant land in the middle of the camp with the rest of the group already in there in addition of Tom and the three brothers along with Laura and her little daughter.

The eyes of the three girls immediately lit up when they saw the portal appeared.

”Leo and the others are finally coming!” Michelle shouted and excitedly ran towards it while the two girls followed suit.

”Dad! ”Brothers!”

”Amanda!” ”Michelle!”

They hugged each other with smile on their faces, relieved that their families are all safe and sound. Then Amanda noticed the mother and daughter and asked ”Who are they?”

Tom was the one who answered her and said ”Look Michelle! This little one here has the same name as you and this lady here is her Mom, Laura and this is Austin who...wait where's Austin?” Tom looked around and didn't saw Austin with them.