28 Jealousy (1/2)
”You are so lucky. You have a really cute wife,” Lin Jian laughed, remembering Yao Ling's blushing expression.
Yao Ying squinted his eyes at Lin Jian. He didn't know why but he felt uncomfortable. He felt… weird to hear other man said that his wife was cute. Somehow, he didn't like it. He became a bit sullen and his eyes were slightly darkened.
Lin Jian seemed to pick up his mood and laughed, ”Why are you looking like that? I'm just stating the truth. No need to get jealous over it.”
”Jealous?” Yao Ying thought to himself. Were these uncomfortable feelings called jealousy? He pondered over his feelings, since when he could feel these various emotions? At first, it was just a convenience marriage. He felt responsible for her because she was his savior.
During the time they started to work at 'Fu Rong', they couldn't really cultivate their feelings. They tried to earn themselves money and gain a foothold at 'Fu Rong'. Whenever they arrived at their home, they already felt tired. After they took a bath, they directly went to bed and slept like a log. The only difference they felt was they had to sleep together. Only that.
After they became Wang Luo Hai's stepchildren, they could feel themselves slightly loosen up. They could start enjoying the benefits of becoming a part of a wealthy family. They didn't need to care about money that much. They had time to relax at night. They had time to talk about their days and even joked around.
They became more intimate, even though they only kissed. For him, it was good enough. A few days in Wang household made them much closer than the three months they spent before.
He felt something gradually changed inside him. Before he could contemplate more about it, Lin Jian talked to him again.
”Yes. Jealous. Why do you look bewildered?” Lin Jian asked curiously.
Yao Ying shook his head. ”Nothing.” Then he asked Lin Jian out of curiosity, ”Why do you think I'm jealous?”
Lin Jian looked at his new friend in disbelief. Did he really that gullible? Or was he pretending to be stupid? Lin Jian decided to ask, ”What? Of course from your behavior!”
”My behavior?” Yao Ying asked in confusion.
Lin Jian looked perplexed at Yao Ying. How come he was able to get married with his naivety? He was even able to get himself such a cute and understanding wife despite her young age. He mourned for himself. He lost to such an innocent guy.
”You really don't understand, do you?”
Yao Ying looked at Lin Jian in annoyance. ”Don't bother to answer! You are so annoying.” He felt embarrassed because of Lin Jian's question.
”No..no..no… I have to answer you! I never think that losing memories can also make people gullible like you.”