Chapter 422 - The Next Generation (2)(unedited) (1/2)

In the afternoon, the palace was bustling with people. Because of the ball that was postponed due to reasons that was not disclosed to the public, the ball was held the next day.

Rows of carriages were lined up from the palace gate to the entrance was quite a distance. The carriages were adorned lavishly for the occasion. Each carriage shows the family crest that owns it.

The carriages stop one by one at the palace entrance with people form different families of nobility alighting. All of them were wearing suites and gowns fit for the occasion. They were made and tailored just for today.

All of the guests have their individual invitaions that are presented at the palace entrance before entering. The palace was strict for the safety of the event, its guests and especially the imperial family that are the hosts of this occasion.

One by one the guests are checked and ushered to the reception hall were the ball will be held.. The guests were at awe looking at the palace decorations set up especially for this occasion.

The guests that arrived at the reception hall were ushered to their respevtive seats by attendants waiting there. The early commers were given appetizers by servers.

While the noble guest wait for the ball to commence, they started tl chat with one another.

”Have you heard that the imperial prince and princess are spitting images of their parents?” One lady asked.

”Really? I would not have know because the imperial highnesses have not yet debuted into high soceity.” One lady replied.

”I heard that the imperial children are only allowed to play with their cousins their age.” One lady added.

”Oh, how I wish that my children could become play mates of the imperial highnesses.” One lady replied.

”I know right. Having to form a connection this early with the imperial children could be beneficial. We can be in laws with the emperor and empress in the future, hahaha.” One lady laughed.

The noble people had not yet seen the imperial children due to not having debuted in high society yet. Many noble families wanted to have a connection with yhe future of the Astley Empire. Some had pure intentions while others have high ambitions.

The hall was filled with chattering and gossiping when they were called to attention.


The sound of the horn was heard, signaling the start of the ball.

”All rise to give greetings to the royal family!” The herald announced.

The hall became silent and the noble guests stood up and faced the door where the imperial family are to make their entrance.

”All hail the emperor and empress of the Astley Empire!” The herald said. ”Emperor Regaleon Yosef Astley, first of his name. Side by side with his wife, Empress Alicia Roselyn Astley.”

The doors opened and the imperial couple emerged. They walked down the red carpet hand in hand. They were wearing regal clothing best for the occasion. The couple still looked so young even after years have gone by since the start of their reign.

The imperial couple walked with grace and regality towards the thronse area, which made the people inside the reception hall cower in their presence. All of them bowed at the sight of the imperial couple.

”Presenting the first prince of the Astley Empire, Prince Alphonse Edward Astley, first of his name.” The herald announced.

The guests looked back at the door with upmost curiosity.

By the door, the young Prince Alphonse emerged. He was wearing a black suite with silver trimmings. He started yo walk down the red carpet. He had his silver hair as bright as the moonlight tied in a ponytail that is carefully placed by his shoulder. His black suit was a good contrast with his silver hair.

The ten year old prince looked very handsome that even the noble girls in their teens blushed seeing him. This was the first time the eldest prince had his first admirers.

”Presenting the first princess of the Astley Empire, Princess Aerith Luna Astley, first of her name.” The herald announced.

”Presenting the second prince of the Astley Empire, Prince Leonhart, first of his name.” The herald introduced.

Last but not the least was the youngest of the imperial family. The little one was a spitting image of his father the emperor. Leonhart was wearing a white suite with gold trimmings. He had his black hair styled up. He looked dashing like his older brother and father.

The guests were at awe seeing the imperial family together in one place. They were a picutre perfect family.

”Thank you for coming to my children's tenth birthday celebration.” Regaleon started to address the people. ”We are sorry of it was delayed for one day due to some reasons, but we are now able yo celebrate it today. This ball is for you to enjoy!”

The guests applauded after hearing the emperors words.

”As my husband had said, this ball is being held to celebrate our twin's tenth birthday. We would like to celebrate such joyous event with you all.” Alicia said. ”There are food, drinks, music and dancing. Please enjoy this night with your hearts content!”

The guests also applauded after their empresses words.

The music started and some started to dance. The food was now being served with drinks. All had a merry start.

Nobles started to line to greet the imperial family. All of them introduced which family they are from and presented their gifts to the imperial twins.

”I am the envoy from Rabanasta. I come here with good tidings.” A middle aged man with almond colored skin greeted with a solemn bow. ”I bring gifts to the imperial twins of the Asltey Empire. I hope they will be to your liking, your highnesses.”

”Thank you.” Alphonse replied.

”Your gift is well appreciated.” Aerith followed.