Chapter 398 - Side Story (Dimitri)(4)(unedited) (1/2)
South Atlantia has started to take in residents and Dimitri traveling back and forth from the Grandcrest and South Atlantian capitals. He was scheduled to depart today with a group of Atlantians and this will be his permanent move to his residence in the South Atlantian capital.
”Have you taken note on all of what I have thought you?” Dimitri asked Chris who was going to take his post as Regaleon's personal assistant.
”I got it all in this notebook.” Chris said. ”Do not worry to much Dimitri. I will take care of his majesty for you. I know how you worry about him as a brother.”
”Thank you, Chris.” Dimitri sighed. ”I am just not used to being away from his majesty's side for this long.”
”I understand you, Dimitri.” Chris patted his shoulder. ”You will still have some official business that will take you here in Grandcrest. And I am sure that his majesty will also have time to visit you in South Atlantia. With her majesty as your niece as well, you are practically a real family now.”
”Dimitri.” Regaleon was walking towards the caravan that is prepared to depart to South Atlantia. Philip was walking behind him. ”So, are you prepared with all your baggage?”
”I do not have that much possessions to begin with, your majesty.” Dimitri replied with a smile. ”So, I do not have that much baggage. Are you ready Philip?”
The young Philip had his head down feeling shy. He nodded with Dimitri's question.
”Once you are a knight apprentice, you can come back here Philip.” Regaleon patted his head. ”But for now you have to go with Dimitri. He is after all your adoptive father.”
”Y-Yes, your majesty.” Philip replied with awkwardness.
”Always practice the sword techniques I have thought you. I am sure that Dimitri could give you more lessons when you arrive at South Atlantia.” Regaleon said. ”And Dimitri, it would be better to give this young boy an adoptive mother as well.” He grinned.
”Your majesty is jesting again.” Dimitri replied.
”Well, I am not kidding.” Regaleon chuckled. ”I wish you all the best, Dimitri. See you again soon.”
Regaleon gave Dimitri a hug and he hugged him back. Alicia came walking with Aerith in her arms and Alphonse in Tricia's. They only turned one year old not long ago.
”I am sad to see you go Dimitri. But Atlantia needs you.” Alicia said. ”Do not worry about Leon, I will be the one taking care of him.”
”Thank you, your majesty.” Dimitri replied. ”I am also sad to leave your side. But I am sure to visit some times. And please visit me as well. Atlantia is also your home.”
”I will surely visit with Leon and the twins.” Alicia said while Aerith struggled to go down from her arms and wants to go to the young Philip. Alicia let her go to Philip and Aerith smiled widely while Philip carried her carefully. ”Aerith is going to miss you Philip. I hope you will come back when your knight apprenticeship starts.”
”I will surely do, your majesty.” Philip replied while playing with the little Aerith in his arms.
”Have a safe journey.” Regaleon said with a final goodbye.
”Thank you, your majesty.” Dimitri bowed. ”We will be departing now.”
And with that the caravan started to depart. Regaleon and Alicia together with everyone there to see them off waved goodbye to Dimitri and Philip. Aerith started to cry in her mother's arm when she saw Philip leaving.
It has been days after the caravan departed the capital of Grandcrest and headed towards South Atlantia. There have been no incidents so far, except from a sudden downpour of rain that made them take shelter on the mountain side.
”Captain Dimitri, everything in the caravan has been accounted for.” A woman who was wearing a military uniform was giving a report to Dimitri.
”Angel, you know I am not your captain anymore.” Dimitri said with a chuckle.
”I-I am sorry. It was just out of habit.” Angel was fl.u.s.tered while replying. ”Then, my lord.”