Chapter 389 - Side Story (Gladiolus)(2)(unedited) (1/2)
The time of the first caravan's arrival had come. Gladiolus was just done wearing his clothes and looking at himself in front of a full body sized mirror.
”How do I look Jeremy?” Gladiolus asked. ”Do I look okay? I do not look intimidating or anything? Do I give off a domeniring aura?”
Gladiolus was wearing an slick gray suit that is not too flashy. It is in the borderline of being sophisticated and eligant at the same time.
”You look find my lord.” Jeremy sighed. ”Do not worry too much. I am sure everything will work out well.”
”You think so?” Gladiolus looked a little nervous. ”What time will I be meeting them?”
”Actually the caravan had just arrived.” Jeremy opened up a doc.u.ment he was holding. ”You will meet them an hour from now and you will give them the speech you have made.”
Days prior to the caravan's arrival, Gladiolus has been busy contructing the speech he will give after meeting the first Atlantian caravan that will be arriving in the north. Jeremy had seen him work so hard, crumpling papers when the words seemed a bit off. After many attempts and c.u.mpled paper, Gladiolus was able to make the most best speech he was able to conctruct.
”I hope everything will go smoothly.” Gladiolus said. ”I am sure that some will have ill feelings towards me, and I pray that they will not make a scene.”
”Do not worry my lord, we have guards stationed at the place you will give your speech.” Jeremy assured. ”Nothing bad will happened.”
”I am not worried about my safety Jeremy. I just do not want anything bad to happened to others.” Gladiolus sighed. ”I just wish they will be able to give me another chance to prove myself worthy as their lord and protector.”
”You will do fine my lord.” Jeremy said. ”Oh by the way, after you are done with your speech you have a meeting with the leader of the sirens. Her majesty the empress had asked us to host her stay here.”
”Is that so?” Gladiolus replied. ”I have met her I guess at the wedding and coronation of the imperial couple. Okay, please make sure that she will be given the best acocmodations.”
”Understood my lord.” Jeremy bowed and exited the room.
”So, a siren is coming here?” A voice said.
From Gladiolus' sleeve sleethered out a blue snake. The sankes scales were brightly colores as if they were gems. The snake coiled up from Gladiolus' arms and around his neck.
”You are awake Virgil.” Gladiolus said.
”Yes, I had a good nap under your clothes.” Virgil replied. ”I like sleeping at a warm place.”
”I do not mind you sleeping under my clothes. Just do not move that much because it is ticklish.” Gladiolus joked.
”Sheesh, I am not that kind of a sleeper you know.” Virgil replied. ”Well anyways, the siren girl.”
”Hmm, what about her?” Gladiolus asked.
”Well it is not everyday I can meet someone that lives under water like me.” Virgil replied.
”So, you want to meet her?” Gladiolus asked out of curiosity.
”Yes. I am quite curious about her species.” Virgil replied. ”I might be good to chat with her.”
”Well, if she permits it then I guess there is no reason for you not to talk to her.” Gladiolus said.