Chapter 376 - The Ending and a New Beginning (1) (undedited) (2/2)
All of us that were left was shocked with the sudden confession of Hector. His infatuation with Patricia had led to so many deaths that it could not be considered as pure.
”NO… I will not let you go to where my mother is.” Gladiolus said with fury while tears were falling. ”I will not let you.”
”He does not deserve to be buried.” Regaleon said and ignited Hector's body in flames. ”He needs to be burned in hell.” He said with a chilling voice.
Regaleon knelt on one knee by Gladiolus side and started to heal the wound on his shoulder.
”I cannot heal it fully because I have exhausted my magic, but at least I can stop the bleeding.” Regaleon said.
”Thank you.” Gladiolus said with a low tone.
”Uwahhh… uwahhh…” My son started to cry and not long after, my daughter that was safely at a distance with Anatalia started to cry out loud also.
”This has been a long day for all of us.” Regaleon said while walking up to us. ”Let us go home. I am sure the babies would need a warm place to stay.” He wrapped his arms around me and helped me stand up.
”Yes, you are right.” I said with a low voice. I looked at Gladiolus who was sitting on the ground holding his mother's lifeless body.
”King Regalon.” Gladiolus stopped crying and wiped away his tears. ”I hope that you give me permission to burry my mother.”
”Hmm…” Regaleon nodded once. ”It is the least I can give you, after saving my wife and child.” He said with a firm voice.
”Thank you.” Gladiolus bowed his head. He stood up and carried his mother's body in his arms.
”Alicia… Leon…” Anatalia ran towards us with my daughter. ”Help is coming.” She pointed out to a distance.
I can see numerous people in horse back coming towards us. I recognized mother and father right away. I can also see Snow running with them in her tiger form.
”They are here…” I said with a huge smile. ”Mother… father…” I waved my arms towards them.
Anatalia passed my daughter to Regaleon, he carried her tiny little body effortlessly.
”Hello beautiful.” Regaleon said while using his finger to hold her cheek. ”Are the two of you hungry?” the twins were still crying in our arms.
”I think they are also exhausted.” I said, also feeling tired. ”I only wish to go home now.”
”And we will.” Regaleon said and planted a kiss on the top of my head.
The people on horse back came to greet us. All of them were worried for our safety. Snow came to me directly and I introduced the twins to her. Her tiger form was five times larger than before.
”Wow, they are so little.” Snow said in delight.
”They are wonderful.” Mother said. ”I cannot believe I am a grandma now.” She said with a huge smile.
”You made us young grandparents, huh.” Father looked at me and Regaleon with a raised eyebrow but then smiled. ”I am glad you are safe, Alicia.” Mother and father hugged me.
”It is nice to see you as well.” I replied and hugged them back.
Because we were all exhausted, mother and Anatalia helped us carry each twin back. I rode with Regaleon on top of Midnight, and I fell asleep along the way from exhaustion.