Chapter 373 - The Final Villain (1) (unedited) (1/2)
A vast land that was under the sea for a few decades was now in full view once more. From where we are right now, I can see the vast land that was once my mother's country, the country of Atlantia.
”Is… Is this real?” I still cannot believe even though I can see it with my own two eyes.
”It is real, my love.” Regaleon answered to my question.
Me and Regaleon might not have been born in this country, but we knew people that would be more than happy to know that Atlantia has risen from the depths of the sea.
”My mother would be happy with this news.” I said with a huge smile on my face. ”Dimitri and the others as well, I am sure they will be thrilled to know that the land of their birth has risen once again. Oh, how do you think they are?” I looked at the direction where my father's country Alvannia was.
The huge tremors that was made with the rising of the Atlantian land would have made catastrophic destructions such as a tidal wave.
”Do not worry.” Virgil, the azure dragon replied. ”I can feel two of the sacred beast by the shores. They made sure that a catastrophe was prevented to the people in your land.”
Thinking of the sacred beast, I thought about Snow who was left in Duke Destia's estate. Then that leaves another sacred beast that I do not know off.
”I would also like to thank you, Gladiolus.” I looked at Gladiolus who had just helped us. ”I am happy that you are not our enemy any longer.”
”I just did what I thought was right.” Gladiolus replied. ”I have always thought that mother's plans were right, but now I finally opened my eyes to the truth. I should have done this sooner, to follow my own path.”
”That is good to hear.” I smiled.
”I am now the guardian of your son, and I plan to do my part well.” Gladiolus smiled back at me. ”Alicia, I would like to apologize to you, for everything that I have done. I could say that it was all because of my mother's plan, but I was also at fault. My love for you had turned into obsession, and thus made me more susceptible with my mother's schemes. I am truly sorry. I do not expect you to forgive me instantly, but at least give me a chance to repent and make up for it.” He knelt down and bow his head before me.
I have seen Gladiolus many times before, but I felt that this was the first time I have seen his true self. It is true that he had made many bad things to me and my loved ones, and I was no saint to just give my forgiveness that easily.
”Then I will expect you to repent for your sins and to work hard for my forgiveness.” I replied. ”And I expect you to be a good guardian to my children.” Gladiolus looked up in disbelief. He was not expecting to be given another chance to repent but my words brought a smile on his face.
”I will work hard for your forgiveness, Alicia.” Gladiolus said. ”I will be sure to keep my promise.”
”Ahem…” Regaleon coughed to get our attention. ”I hope you remember your promise to me, Gladiolus.”
”Huh, what promise?” I asked looking at my husband in curiosity.
”Do not worry Alicia. It is a promise from one man to another.” Gladiolus replied. ”And do not worry King Regaleon, I will keep my word. That is, if your wife does not call for me herself.”
”You…” Regaleon looked irritated with Gladiolus words and I was at a loss as to what they were talking about. I want to ask further but the twins that were cradled in my arms started to cry.
”Oh my, I think they are hungry.” Anatalia said. ”I think you need to b.r.e.a.s.t feed them.”
The word b.r.e.a.s.t feed made all of us except Anatalia blush.
”Virgil, can you find a suitable place to land first.” Gladiolus instructed.
”As you wish, master.” Virgil replied.
In no time we landed at the just risen land. Regaleon came down from Virgil first and offered a hand for me to go down. Anatalia was carrying the female twin while I was carrying the male. I took Regaleon's hand and walked at the ground that was still wet.
”The land here is all sand.” I murmured.
”There are still mountain ranges further down south.” Anatalia pointed out. ”Do not worry, not long this land could come back to life. Of course with some help.”
We saw a huge rock not far and decided to sit down there. Regaleon helped me down and I looked at Anatalia for help on how to start b.r.e.a.s.t feeding the twins.
”Place both of them carefully in your lap. Be sure that you are comfortable with your position.” Anatalia said while helping me. ”Now put them on each of your b.r.e.a.s.t and latch them carefully. You need to help them at first, but after a while these two little ones will know what to do.”
I do as what Anatalia said. He also helped me to latch both of them unto my b.r.e.a.s.t and after that they started sucking. Regaleon put his coat over me to keep me warm.
”Do not strain yourself.” Regaleon said. ”If you feel uncomfortable, you can shift your position. I will help you.”
”Thank you.” I smiled at him. I felt peaceful, seeing my children and my husband here with me now.
Gladiolus and Virgil was at distance from us keeping watch. After b.r.e.a.s.t feeding, we decided to go back to Duke Destia's estate and get some rest.
”I will tell you everything once we get back.” Regaleon told me. ”But long story short, we have defeated Patricia. Her army has surrendered.”
”Then does that mean this war is over?” I asked with a hopeful expression.