Chapter 370 - The Atlantian Royal Siblings (2) (unedited) (1/2)
Dimitri pulled out his sword from its sheath, ready to attack at any given moment. But before that happened, ice spears were conjured above them and it was Patricia's doing.
”DIE!!!” Patricia shouted and the ice spears started raining down from above.
”Look out!” Dimitri yelled towards Leticia, but to his relief the ice spears were only headed towards him.
Dimitri dodged at every ways possible. He used his sword to block any ice spears near him. But the ground he was standing was small, and even just one misstep can cost him his life.
”Ugh.” Dimitri groaned. He just missed for a few seconds in blocking the latest ice spears and got scratched by his left cheek and on his right leg. He fell just by the edge of the ground pillar they were standing on.
Dimitri looked below and saw a high drop. There were sharp rocks protruding on the surface below while waves are splashing on them.
”She really is a b*tch.” Dimitri cursed. He knew that the sharp rocks were Patricia's doing.
”Fall to your grave!!!” Patricia yelled.
Dark clouds started to gather on top of them and strong winds started to blow. Dimitri who was currently standing up was hit by the strong winds.
”Dammit!” Dimitri used all of his strength to push back, because behind him was a huge drop to his death. But the wind that was blowing was so strong that his feet slipped and his body rolled over the edge. ”Ahhhh!”
”Dimitri!” Leticia yelled.
”Hahaha. It was his fate to die.” Patricia said with a sinister grin on her face.
”I will not let you.” Leticia said.
To Patricia's surprise, thick tree branches started to grow from the earth pillars. They served as bridges along each pillar. Not long a hand grabbed at the edge where Dimitri had fallen. He climbed up, panting hard.
”That was too close.” Dimitri said while getting up. ”I thought I was a goner if not for the tree branches that started to grow. Thank you Leticia.”
”No need for thanks.” Leticia replied curtly.
Patricia looked furious at the situation.
”How dare you Leticia?!” Patricia roared. ”Why… why are you helping this taboo child?!”
”Because he is still our brother Patricia.” Leticia replied with a curt tone. ”We have lost many family members since the war. I do not want to lose anymore. So please Patricia, stop this.” She pleaded with an innocent face.
”NO!” Patricia yelled. ”He needs to die for this curse on us to end. I will kill him, and if you block my way I have no choice but to hurt you sister.”
The weather changed drastically. The once tropical area started to be coated with snow falling heavily form above. The temperature drastically dropped to freezing.
”Dimitri, we need to stop her before she makes this part of the land into an ice wasteland!” Leticia shouted.
They knew what had happened to Jennovia back then was Patricia's doing. The land had frozen for decades and life became hard for people. Patricia can do that again in this part of the continent, and they knew that they have to stop her.
”I will go on ahead!” Dimitri said.
”I will be supporting you from behind.” Leticia replied.
Dimitri used the tree branches that Leticia had conjured as bridges. But because of the snow storm that Patricia made, the branches were now coated in ice. He had to tread carefully so as not to slip and fall.
The strong winds is also giving Dimitri a hard time in advancing. It was pushing him back, making each of his step forward pretty hard. The snow storm is also blocking his view, giving him difficulty where to go.
”Look out!” Leticia yelled.
From out of no where, ice spears were headed in Dimitri's direction. He used his sword to block every ice spear that was coming his way. Leticia was also using her magic to make the branches grow once more from being frozen, blocking some ice spears.
”Thanks.” Dimitri said.
With their current position, they were at a disadvantage. With zero visibility, they do not know where Patricia is at right now. And the opponent was able to know their location and attacking them.
'I know you said I cannot join the fight, but at least I can give you some advice. Right?' Carrick telepathically linked to Dimitri.
'It is much appreciated.' Dimitri replied.
'You only know that your dark magic sucks the things that is in the vicinity, but what you do not know is that there is a dimension inside that vortex that is made by you.' Carrick said. 'The things that is being sucked in is stored in that space and time, that is wholly in your control. Do you get what I mean?'