Chapter 368 - A Final Goodbye (2) (unedited) (1/2)

Regaleon flew away towards the open sea on Tempest. The ones that were left on shore were Dimitri, Jeremy, and the body of Clara.

Jeremy was still crying while gently hugging his sister body in his arms. Dimitri looked at him sadly, trying to comfort him with a pat on his shoulder.

”Stay here with your sister. You are not in good condition to fight.” Dimitri said and stood up. He looked at Patricia who is at a distance. A wide river that formed after she parted the surface of the sea shore was the only thing separating them from Patricia.

”No. I want to help you. She killed my little sister. I will let her pay.” Jeremy tried to stand up but Dimitri pushed him back.

”Do not even try in your condition.” Dimitri said. ”You are in no condition to fight a royal of Atlantia. Do not forget that your sister gave her life to save you.”

”B-But…” Jeremy was still hesitant. His anger for Patricia was boiling up inside of him, but he had lost a lot of blood that he could just be a hindrance for Dimitri. ”I understand.” He closed his eyes and decided that it was best to not be a hindrance.

”That is good to hear.” Dimitri replied.

”Make her pay.” Jeremy said with fiery eyes. Dimitri can see that Jeremy was giving him the task of defeating Patricia for him and his sister's sake. ”My little sister and I worked for her since we were young. We have followed her every order without any questions asked. We have killed many people that hindered her plans. But she paid our hard work with taking my sister's life. She is a witch with a black heart. She does not deserve to be queen, let alone rule people.” He said in fury.

When Dimitri was about to charge towards Patricia, he saw her bombarding every elemental magic she has on Regaleon.

”Your majesty!” Dimitri yelled in worry.

Fortunately, Tempest was there to help block every attack that Patricia threw their way. But Regaleon was on a defensive and was not able to advance further.

”I will not let you get away!” Patricia yelled.

From afar, we saw a tidal wave coming for us. It was at least fifteen to twenty feet high.

”That is insane!” Dimitri yelled in disbelief

Dimitri cannot imagine how can Patricia conjure such a terrifying magic. The giant tidal wave's size can wipe out at least a tenth of the coastal areas here in Alvannia.

”I will not let you get away!” Patricia yelled. ”You will all die here. HAHAHA!”

”I have to stop that huge thing.” Dimitri told himself.

Regaleon could have done something about the upcoming tidal wave, but Patricia was bombarding him with attacks that he cannot get away.

Dimitri thought of using his dark magic. He can use it to suck the tidal wave in his dark vortex.

”But can I even maintain a dark vortex until all of the tidal wave is gone?” Dimitri questioned himself. ”What if I go past my limits and the dark vortex get out of my control?” He worried

Dimitri has never used his dark magic as much as possible because of the fear that he cannot control it. There have been instances that his dark magic, rather than be of help, endangered his comrades. After a handful of such circ.u.mstances, he has been afraid of using it more than he needs to. Even with practice, he can only control his dark magic at a given size and time limit. He was afraid with a tidal wave of that size, he will need to create a dark vortex that passed his own limits.

'Would you like me to lend you a hand.' A voice suddenly spoke to him inside his head.

”W-What?” Dimitri was flabbergasted.

'I am right here.' The voice said once again. 'Look down here.'

Dimitri looked at his feet and saw an unusual black tortoise beside him.

”H-How did you…” Dimitri was left speechless. But then he had remembered the familiars Regaleon and Alicia has. ”Are you a familiar as well?” He asked curiously.

'You are quick to catch, human.' The black tortoise said. 'I like you, that is why I would like to lend you a helping hand. With your current magical strength, I surely can use my second form and help you out. Would you like to form a contract with me, human?'

Dimitri was left in awe. He cannot believe that a familiar like Tempest and Snow will choose him as its partner and master.

Before he was about to answer, he heard horses arriving from a distance. When he looked back, he saw Alicia's parents and some Alvannian soldiers coming their way. Alicia's mother Leticia, helped Regaleon to block Patricia's attacks and was able to get away. Regaleon proceeded to his original destination, where his wife is.

”Dimitri!” Leticia called out to him when she and the others arrived. ”I have told my son in law to go to my daughter. I also told him that we will be dealing with that.” She pointed out towards the tidal wave.

”I understand.” Dimitri nodded in understanding.

”Oh my. Is that what I think it is?” Leticia saw the black tortoise beside Dimitri's feet. ”It is as I thought.” She smiled sweetly towards Dimitri.

Dimitri then remembered the conversation he had with Leticia when they were at the village, after just escaping from Jennovia.


”You are Dimitri, correct?” Leticia asked.

”Yes, I am your highness.” Dimitri replied.

”You do not have to be formal with me.” Leticia let out a smile. She looked closely at Dimitri. This made him feel embarrassed. ”Oh I am sorry, did you feel uncomfortable with my stare?”