Chapter 363 - The Final Battle (1) (unedited) (1/2)
(Regaleon's POV)
As I look down from above using Tempest's eyes, I saw that the two groups are in their respective positions. They are only waiting for my signal to commence our surprise attack.
”Dimitri.” I called.
”Yes, your majesty.” Dimitri was in attention at once.
”Tell the men to have a fifteen minute break.” I ordered. ”And after that, we will start our attack.”
”As you wish, your majesty.” Dimitri replied.
I looked down to the estate with my own two eyes. Inside that mansion was Patricia and Gladiolus. They are currently at the possession of the other half of the key fragment that I need to get to my wife Alicia. As I promised, I will surely end this war with Patricia right here and now.
I came down from the edge and walked towards my men who were having a quick break. I am sure they had a weary journey but we still need to be in schedule after coming here.
”Your majesty, I have conveyed your orders.” Dimitri said when I walked towards them.
”Hmm.” I nodded. I looked at my men who were looking at me with calm solemn eyes. ”All of you here today had been by my side for many years. This is not the first time we have ridden into battle and I surely hope that it will be the last, in the hopes of peace after this. Like I always say before we go into battle, I wish you all to stay alive no matter what it takes. It is the best feeling of achieving victory with all of you present to celebrate it with me.”
”We are always here behind you, your majesty.” Dimitri replied in behalf of his men.
”We promise you victory, like the other battles before this.” Chris chimed in.
”YES VICTORY!” The men cheered. ”VICTORY… VICTORY!!!”
I raised my hand to hush their cheers. ”I am sure we will obtain victory tonight. I promise you all the peace we yearned for after this fight.”
”YEAH!!!” The men replied.
I looked around and looked down on the estate and the people inside that does not have any knowledge of what is to come.
”It is time.” I said and looked at the night sky. I lifted my arms up and produced fire magic on my hands. I fired it up as brightly as possible and shot it towards the night sky. My fire blast came up like fireworks and lit up the darkness around the area. For sure with this, my army have seen this and knew what to do. The enemy should have also seen this and are now in alarm.
”You will not know what hit you, Patricia.” I grinned. I pulled my sword from its sheath and pointed it towards the mansion where our enemies were. ”FORWARD!!!” I ordered.
”AAAHHHGGGHH!!!” My men shouted their battle cry.
William looked up at the light that illuminated the night sky. It was like fireworks lighted up in festivals. He knew at once that it was the signal he has been waiting for.
”Tell the men to light the fuses and run to a safe distance.” William gave his order to one of his men.
”At once, sir.” The man replied and swiftly ran to relay William's orders.
William walked towards the place where he had set up the explosives. It was at the bottom of the ship where he was sure that it would make much damage.
The fuse was long enough to give William time to run to a safe distance. He took out the match from his pocket and lighted it up. The fire flickered on the match stick in between his fingers and carefully ignited the fuse. The fuse was now burning slowly.
”This will do.” William murmured to himself. He then ran up to the deck of the ship and swiftly got off toward the docks. His men were also running out from the others sh.i.p.s, a sign that they have done their missions.
”Hurry! Run to a safer distance!” William shouted.
His group were now running out of the docks. The explosives they have planted will surely wipe the docks from where it is standing right now.
”You also swim out to safety!” William told the sirens that were still on water. The sirens nodded in understanding and quickly dived and vanished from the water's surface.
William and his men had safely arrived on shore in a safer distance when he saw Anatalia and some of her siren sisters running towards them.
”William!” Anatalia waved to him. ”Leon gave the signal.”
”Yes, I know.” William replied.
”I also did a good job.” Anatalia said with a smile, waiting to be praised. William smiled seeing the young siren.
”I see.” William patted her head. ”You did a good job.”
Anatalia beamed a smile like a little girl being given a treat.