Chapter 361 - The Battle Begins (1) (unedited) (2/2)

”Yes, Sir William.” One of the men replied.

Anatalia emerged from the waters and walked towards William.

”I think the men that my sisters have charmed are at the docks.” Anatalia said. ”We can sneak to the sh.i.p.s with a little effort.”

”That will help a lot.” William replied. ”But there will still be some guards that are not under your charms so let us be careful nonetheless.”

”I know. Unlike our queen, we can only charm one man at a time.” Anatalia said with a disappointed look on her face. ”But we can still help in fighting.” She had a confident look.

”It's okay. You and your sisters were still helpful.” William patted Anatalia's head. ”You go with your sisters and try to clear out as much guards as you can quietly. Be careful not to alert the others of our presence.”

”Do not worry. We will handle this carefully.” Anatalia gave William a thumbs up and smiled.

”Be careful.” William said and Anatalia nodded.

Anatalia left the beach shore with her sisters quietly. William and his men who were wearing black clothes were blending now that the sun has set.

From the horizon, many boats are arriving quietly to shore. The boats are carrying other men from William's group. When the boats are ashore, the men aboard jumped down. Some were carrying crates and put it down the beach shore.

”We will head towards the ship docks quietly.” William ordered his men. ”Some of the guards would be under the siren's charms, the sign that one is under a sirens charm is having blank eyes without shine as if they are lifeless. This will help us move more effectively. But we still need to move stealthily and carefully. There would be others that are not under the siren's charm and we need to watch out for them as to not alert the others.”

”Yes.” William's men replied.

William opened one of crates and dynamites were seen inside. They plan to plant explosives to the enemy's sh.i.p.s.

”All of you, carry enough amount that you can.” William ordered. ”We will place this dynamites on the sh.i.p.s and then wait for my signal before lighting the fuse. Understood?”

”Yes sir.” William's men replied in unison.

William's group now then stealthily moved in the night. They headed towards the docks where the sh.i.p.s that Patricia's army will use to launch a surprise attack by dawn. With this intel they got, they have planned to destroy every ship they find in the docks to also prevent Patricia and her army to get to where Alicia was as well.

At the entrance of the docks, they saw quite a number of guards walking around. William made a hand gesture towards his men to stop, his men stopped and hid behind stacked crates and boxes along the way. In sight were three guards chatting to each other in the entrance.

”The night is quiet.” A guard said to his partner.

”It is the calm before the storm, I guess.” The other guard replied. ”Tomorrow will be a big day of the battle.”

”Unfortunately we won't get to see the action because we are on duty tonight.” Another guard said.

”I know right. It is a pity we cannot pay back the Atlantian traitors we have fought a few days ago.” The guard replied.

”Yes, they are a piece of sh*t to side with the half blood royal.” The other guard said. ”They should die for doing such!” He said with anger.

While the guards were chatting, William gave another hand gesture to two of his men to move slowly. When they were in place, William gestured once again to wait and then gave a go signal to attack.

The two men jumped in swiftly. One of William's men got one guard from behind and stabbed him with a knife on his back with holding the guard's mouth tightly so he will not scream. The other one was slit on the throat swiftly from behind as well, blood oozed and the guard's body dropped on the ground lifeless. The other guard was just standing looking lifeless, he was one of the guards that were charmed by the sirens.

William then gestured his men to spread quietly to do their mission. William also moved towards the sh.i.p.s on the docks when he saw head bobbing out of the waves in the water. Some sirens were there to help them with the charmed ones. William nodded to them as thanks and then proceeded as planned.