Chapter 360 - Departure for the Battle Ahead (unedited) (1/2)

(Regaleon's POV)

The army we have built are now preparing for the battle to come. The men are busy sharpening their swords while others are preparing their suit of armor to wear. I myself am now preparing to suit up my armor I had prepared.


”Your majesty, it is me.” Dimitri said from behind the door.

”Come in.”I replied.

The door opened and Dimitri came inside. He was wearing his own armor that is black in color with the crest of Grandcrest engraved in the b.r.e.a.s.t plate.

”I have come to help you wear your armor, sire.” Dimitri said solemnly.

”Thank you.” I replied with gratitude.

Since back then, Dimitri was always by my side as my right hand man. In every battle, he was the one to suit me up in my armor and now was no different. He walked towards the corner where my armor is, and carefully lifted it up one by one. He carefully placed each piece on my body, carefully tightening every part to fit perfectly. The last piece he placed was the b.r.e.a.s.t plate, where the engraving of my family's crest is placed.

”I am done, your majesty.” Dimitri bowed his head.

I adjusted my gauntlets and chest plate a little before looking at myself in the whole body mirror just situated behind me. I saw myself wearing the shining bright armor once again and sighed.

”I wish this will be the last time I wear this.” It was my simple wish that I dearly want.

When I wear this armor, I know that it will be stained with the blood of many of my enemies. It was a sign of many deaths to come.

”I also wish that peace will come after this battle, your majesty.” Dimitri said.

I know many of us hoped that this fighting would be over once and for all and peace will be achieved in this continent.

”Your majesty.” Dimitri then handed me the last thing that is only missing in my armor, my sword.

I took the sword from Dimitri's outstretched hands. This was the sword that I have ordered for the blacksmiths to be made in haste. I have already sharpened it earlier but I still unsheathed it and looked at my own reflection on the shining blade. Like before any major battle, I pressed my thumb on the sharpened blade of my sword to draw up some blood. I let my blood drip unto the tip of the sword and closed my eyes.

”I, Regaleon Yosef Astley, swear upon this sword to slay my enemies before me.” I chanted like what I do before every major battle. ”This sword will taste the blood of my enemies until our victory is achieved.”

I opened my eyes after my chant and quickly swung my sword and put it in its sheath once more.

”Dimitri, tell the army to prepare to depart.” I ordered.

”As you wish, your majesty.” Dimitri knelt down taking my order and then stood right back up and walked out to do the task I have ordered him to do.


The army was patiently waiting on the training grounds. The men are now wearing their designated armor with the crest of their designation. The lycans does not have any battle garb they use and came with their fur clothes. The sirens that Anatalia came with were wearing normal woman attires but their beauties cannot be hidden with their somewhat shabby commoner clothes.

”We are to depart now towards the estate we have talked about this morning.” I started once I was standing on the platform. ”Your respective captains in charge must have already briefed you of our plan. I have designated Raphael to be in charge of the Alvannian unit that will travel by land along the valley while William will be in charge of the unit that will travel by sea. Belgor will lead the lycans that will also travel with the Alvannian unit by land, while Anatalia will lead the sirens that will also travel by sea with William's unit. Dimitri on the other hand will be leading the elite unit with me that will take the mountain pass.”

I looked around seeing the army with diverse people in front of me. They are looking up to me at their leader in this battle to come. I can see that the Alvannian soldiers and knights that were called upon had minimum to no experience on big coordinated battles such as this. I cannot blame that because unlike my men that were in constant battle since they were young, Alvannia had never experienced encounters bigger than apprehending bandits and such.

”I understand that you are feeling fear and nervousness in this upcoming battle.” I said. ”But with such capable captains leading you, I guarantee that if you follow them diligently you will have the luck of seeing tomorrow. I myself will be there to fight by your side. I will lead you all to victory!”

”YEAH!!!” The army before me had their fear and nervousness fade after my speech. ”VICTORY!!! WE WILL GET VICTORY!!!” They were all fired up after my promise of victory.

I smiled knowing that my speech had fired up the army. I had not given them empty words. I am sure to gain victory in this upcoming battle.

”LET US NOW DEPART AND FACE OUR GREATEST FOE!” I yelled to add to their burning passion.

The army then marched, headed out to our designated paths to take. I walked down the platform with the other leaders of every unit I have appointed.

”I wish you all a good journey.” I told them. ”Let us meet tonight in our destination.”

”Be careful, your majesty.” Raphael said.